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GEO User Interface Committee meeting hosted at ECMWF

The User Interface Committee of the Group on Earth Observation held its 14th meeting at ECMWF on 2-4 March 2010.

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ECMWF corporate video

A corporate video about ECMWF has been made available on the ECMWF public web.

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EUCOS Scientific Advisory Team

The Scientific Advisory Team of EUCOS, the EUMETNET Composite Observing System, met at ECMWF from 2 to 4 March.

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Landmark in forecast performance

In February 2010, ECMWF reached a landmark in the performance of its deterministic forecasting system.

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Eruption of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano on Iceland

Links to up-to-date information about the eruption.

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Aksel Wiin-Nielsen passed away

Professor Aksel Wiin-Nielsen, the first Director at ECMWF, sadly passed away on Monday, 26 April 2010.

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New web products from the ECMWF ensemble prediction system

ECMWF has extended the range of weather forecast products that are available freely and with no restrictions from its website.

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The Ensemble of Data assimilations and its use in the EPS

On Tuesday, 22 June 2010, ECMWF implemented an Ensemble of Data Assimilations (EDA). The EDA is designed to provide information about the uncertainty in the analysis of atmospheric observations that provides the starting point for ECMWF's forecasts. In this implementation, the output from the EDA is used to improve the representation of initial-time uncertainty in the forecasts of the Ensemble Prediction System (EPS). The result is a more reliable estimation of forecast uncertainty.

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The first TV picture from space?

Comparison with corresponding weather maps produced from the ERA-40 reanalysis has led to confirmation that whilst this image is one of the early pictures from TIROS 1, it is certainly not the first.

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MACC Products Related to Russian Fires

MACC makes daily estimates of the emission of aerosols from fires detected by satellite measurements of thermal radiation.