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Reanalysis confirms record warmth

Consistent with widespread media reports of extreme heat and adverse impacts in various places, the latest results from ERA-Interim indicate that the average temperature over land areas of the extratropical northern hemisphere reached a new high in July 2010.

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Reanalysis and Climate Service

The importance of atmospheric reanalysis data for the development of climate services in Europe was highlighted in a keynote address presented by ECMWF to the 10th annual meeting of the European Meteorological Society, held on 13-17 September 2010 in Zürich, Switzerland.

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Wind stilling over the continents of the Northern Hemisphere

A study published on 17 October 2010 in the journal Nature Geoscience shows that over the past three decades, surface wind speeds seem to have noticeably decreased in several regions of the world, such as the United States, China, Australia, and in several European countries. Given the often inadequate quality and heterogeneity of wind data measured by anemometers, no long-term study of the evolution of wind speeds on a global scale had been carried out so far.

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Co-operation agreement with Israel signed.

On 28 October 2010, Mr Israel Katz, Israeli Minister of Transport and Road Safety, and Mr Dominique Marbouty, Director-General of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), signed a co-operation agreement at ECMWF’s headquarters.

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ECMWF training courses, workshops and seminars in 2011

As in past years, ECMWF offers a variety of training courses, workshops and seminars in 2011.

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Worldwide distribution of ECMWF forecast products

All ECMWF forecast data and products are developed for and distributed to the ECMWF Member and Co-operating States

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ERA-CLIM kick-off

The official kick-off meeting for the ERA-CLIM project took place at ECMWF on Wednesday 16 February 2011

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A new version of the forecasting system implemented

A new version of the ECMWF forecasting and analysis system, Cycle 37r2, was implemented on 18 May 2011.

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ECMWF welcomes Iceland as a Member State

Today, 1 June 2011, the Republic of Iceland will become ECMWF’s 19th Member State.

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IMO prize to first ECMWF Director

The 56th IMO prize has been awarded to the late Aksel Wiin-Nielsen as a lifetime achievement award.