Access to computing facilities


  • Registered users (users that already have a user-name and password), please see how to login.
  • Non registered users need to apply for access.  Your level of access and the conditions of access depends on your affiliation and the country your organisation is based in.

Who can apply?

People who work for a national meteorological service or scientists/researchers who work for a research organisation within one of our Member States or Co-operating States or for CTBTO, ESA, EUMETSAT, or JRC.

Users who have a "Maximum Charge" or "NHMS non-commercial licence" can also apply for access to limited facilities as illustrated in the table below.

What facilities can be used?

Registered users are granted access to basic computing capability on the ecgate server, to the meteorological archive and to a temporary tape archive to store their own data in accordance with the table below.

In addition, users from Member States and Special Projects will get access to permanent tape archive storage.

Access to the supercomputer may be granted via the Computing Representative or a Special Project.








ECGATE Service (ECS) yes yes yes no no no
European Weather Cloud yes yes no no no no
Meteorological archive yes yes yes no yes yes
Temporary tape storage yes yes yes no no no
Permanent tape storage yes no no no no no
High Performance Computing Facility (HPCF) yes no no no no no
ECPDS transmission yes yes no no yes yes
ECPDS requirements yes yes no no yes yes

What are the conditions of use?

In accessing or using ECMWF computing services users acknowledge that:

  • Access to real-time Products and Archive Products is given in accordance with the relevant licence agreement.
  • Access by Member States and Co-operating States' NMSs is granted in accordance with Article 2(2)(e) of the ECMWF Convention:

The objectives of the Centre shall be: …

e) to make available to the Member States for their research, priority being given to the field of numerical weather forecasting, a sufficient proportion of its computing capacity, such proportion being determined by the Council;

How to apply

  • For Member and Co-operating States users, contact your Computing Representative. On approval we will send you the necessary information to access our system. Make sure you provide your Computing Representative with the following information:
    • Full name.
    • Email address.
    • Organisation or Employer and address.
    • Brief explanation on why the access is requested.
    • What services as described above are required.
    • Duration of the account.
  • If your organisation is based in a Member State you may also apply for a Special Project, which gives you access to supercomputing resources and data storage for the purpose of that project.
  • For Commercial and other users, please contact ECMWF Data Services.