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New EU-funded project MACC

The EU-funded GEMS project ran from 1 March 2005 to 31 May 2009. Operation and improvement of the systems developed during GEMS is continuing in a new EU-funded project MACC - Modelling Atmospheric Composition and Climate. Products from MACC are being displayed on the GEMS web pages during a transitional period.

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Ocean waves

Prediction of the maximum wave height of extreme events is of tremendous benefit to the marine world.

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Annual Report 2008

The ECMWF Annual Report 2008 has been made available online.

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ECMWF Training programme 2010

ECMWF has an extensive education and training programme to assist Member States, Co-operating States and WMO National Meteorological and Hydrological Services in the training of scientists in numerical weather forecasting, and in making use of the ECMWF computing and archive facilities.

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Workshop on Meteorological Operational Systems

Nearly 60 participants from 22 different countries in Europe, Asia and the Americas attended the 12th Workshop on Meteorological Operational Systems, which took place at ECMWF from 2 to 6 November 2009.

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Workshop on "Land Surface Modelling, Data Assimilation and the Implications for Predictability"

About 50 leading scientist from outside ECMWF participated in the workshop on "Land Surface Modelling, Data Assimilation and the Implications for Predictability", which took place at ECMWF from 9 to 12 November.

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The ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System

ECMWF has pioneered a system to predict forecast confidence.

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Extension of agreement with ESA

In December 2009, the respective Councils of ECMWF and ESA agreed to the extension of the Co-operation Agreement between ECMWF and ESA for another five years.

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First General Assembly of the MACC project

ECMWF welcomed more than 120 visitors to the First General Assembly of the MACC project.

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Horizontal resolution increase

On Tuesday 26 January, ECMWF upgraded the horizontal resolutions of its deterministic forecast and data assimilation systems and the Ensemble Prediction System (EPS), including the weekly extension to 32 days.