
Sea-surface temperature anomalies September 2015

Strong El Niño continues to warm

El Niño conditions in the central Pacific are now very strong, and sea-surface temperature anomalies are continuing to increase slowly as the event moves towards its expected peak at the end of the year.

EarthServer-2 meeting at ECMWF

EarthServer-2 develops plans for better access to Big Earth Data

ECMWF hosted the second meeting of the EarthServer-2 project, which aims to improve access to Big Earth Data, on 8 and 9 October.

ESCAPE kick-off meeting 2015

Computing experts define roadmap for ECMWF-led scalability project

ESCAPE, a major EU-funded project in ECMWF’s Scalability Programme, held its kick-off meeting at the Centre on 1 and 2 October.

Visualisation Week Globe

3D and user interaction among top themes during Visualisation Week

Innovative uses of 3D and debates on user interaction were among the highlights of a week of events on visualisation in meteorology at ECMWF.

Generic news item image

Photographs from the inauguration of the new office block

Photographs from the inauguration of new office block

EUMETSAT conference 2015

ECMWF scientists share insights at EUMETSAT conference

ECMWF scientists shared their insights and gave a series of well-attended talks at the 2015 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference.

High-performance computing

Scalability projects gather steam at Rome conference

Two EU-funded scalability-related projects in which ECMWF is closely involved are introducing themselves to the wider high-performance computing community at an international workshop taking place in Rome.

Event logo for ECMWF Visualisation Week 2015

First ‘Visualisation in Meteorology week' gets under way at ECMWF

A week-long programme of events on visualisation in meteorology begins at ECMWF on Monday 28 September.

Tim Hewson and Florian Pappenberger

A global approach to predicting flash floods

ECMWF scientists Tim Hewson and Florian Pappenberger have come up with a new, cost-saving approach to predicting flash floods across the globe, earning them a place as finalists for the Harry Otten Prize for Innovation in Meteorology.

Sea-surface temperature anomalies August 2015

El Niño conditions remain strong

El Niño conditions in the central Pacific are now reaching very strong values, and further maturing of the El Niño event is expected in the coming months.