
Ministerial Summit for Group on Earth Observations, Mexico, 2015

Ministers endorse GEO Strategic Plan 2016–2025

The Group on Earth Observations (GEO) has adopted its new strategy for 2016 to 2025 at a plenary and ministerial meeting held in Mexico City.

Sea-surface temperature anomalies Oct 2015

El Niño approaches peak warming

El Niño conditions in the central Pacific remain very strong, and sea-surface temperatures are now close to their expected maximum value as the event moves towards its peak at the end of the year.

NEXTGenIO supercomputing project gets under way

A consortium including ECMWF has announced the successful start of the NEXTGenIO project on input/output challenges in high-performance computing (HPC).

Satellite temperature chart

Weather satellites pick up Indonesian fire signal over Indian Ocean

Unusual weather satellite data over a large swathe of the Indian Ocean can be attributed to emissions from Indonesian wildfires, it has emerged.

Group photo of participants at ITSC-20, 2015

ECMWF experts share insights on use of satellite data

ECMWF scientists joined researchers and data providers from around the world to discuss developments in the fields of satellite sounding data, radiative transfer, data assimilation, and new and future satellite missions.

Sub-seasonal Predictability workshop

Pushing the boundaries of predictability

Which aspects of the weather can be predicted up to three months ahead? This question was the subject of an international workshop held at ECMWF from 2 to 5 November.

Delegates signing the ECMWF Convention

ECMWF Convention came into force 40 years ago

On the occasion of the Centre’s 40th anniversary, we look back at how ECMWF came to be set up and how it has changed since then.

Picture of Ruper Klein

ECMWF Fellow explores scope to improve numerical methods

Professor Rupert Klein, a renowned scientist in the areas of geophysical fluid dynamics and numerical modelling, has ambitious goals for his three-year ECMWF Fellowship.

Newsletter 145 cover

Autumn newsletter published

The Autumn 2015 issue of the ECMWF Newsletter is now available. As well as news about ECMWF staff and events, it features articles about new developments and the use that can be made of ECMWF products.

Reading Enterprise Centre

ECMWF works with University of Reading to boost weather science

ECMWF collaborates with the best experts in meteorology across the world. It helps that some of them are based on its doorstep.