
Image for UEF2016

ECMWF’s annual user meeting to focus on evaluating high-impact weather forecasts

Registration is open for the ‘Using ECMWF Forecasts’ meeting, 6 to 9 June 2016.

View of Hurricane Patricia from above

Forecasts aid mission planning for hurricane research

ECMWF forecasts have helped researchers in the United States to plan the deployment of aircraft in a field experiment on tropical cyclone intensity and structure change.

World Meterological Day 2016 image

World Meteorological Day 2016: ‘Hotter, Drier, Wetter’

On the occasion of World Meteorological Day 2016, Professor Erland Källén, ECMWF’s Director of Research, looks at the key moments that have marked the past twelve months at ECMWF.

ECMWF launches new simulated satellite data product

ECMWF has launched a new dataset called Simulated Satellite Data (SSD), which provides global high-resolution forecasts of the weather as seen from space.

Data assimilation training course March 2016

How to train the next generation of NWP experts

Sarah Keeley has been in charge of ECMWF’s numerical weather prediction (NWP) training programme since 2011. Her experience as a researcher gives her the breadth and the depth of expertise required for the job.

Forecast model grid layout on Earth's surface

New forecast model cycle brings highest-ever resolution

ECMWF has launched a new model cycle bringing improved global weather forecasts at record-breaking resolution. The new grid on which the forecasts are run comprises up to 904 million prediction points.

Map showing percentage female researchers, UNESCO

Tackling the gender gap in science

To mark International Women’s Day, ECMWF held an informal discussion about the gender gap in science, engineering, technology and mathematics.

Verification Workshop at ECMWF March 2016

The challenge of weather forecast verification

Experts meeting at ECMWF on 2 and 3 March 2016 discussed how best to assess the quality of weather forecasts in the future, including predictions of extreme events.

Fernando Belda (AEMET), Juan Garces de Marcilla and Ángel López Alós in Madrid

ECMWF gives Copernicus update at Madrid climate meeting

ECMWF delegates have told an international 'Big Data and Climate Change' meeting in Madrid how the Centre is implementing the EU-funded Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) and Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS).

Computing data image with NEXTGenIO logo

NEXTGenIO supercomputing partners select hardware architecture

Partners from the NEXTGenIO project on input/output challenges in supercomputing decided on a hardware architecture when they met at ECMWF on 23 and 24 February 2016.