
Charles Bridge in Prague

ECMWF scientists update colleagues at Living Planet Symposium

ECMWF scientists have updated colleagues from across the globe on their research at one of the world’s biggest Earth observation conferences, held in Prague from 9 to 13 May.

WMO Secretary-General Petteri Taalas (left) and the president and CEO of Cray, Peter Ungaro, at CUG 2016

Supercomputer efficiency tops agenda at Cray User Group meeting

Supercomputer efficiency was high on the agenda when ECMWF hosted this year’s Cray User Group (CUG) conference in London from 8 to 12 May.

Mike Hawkins

ECMWF hosts Cray User Group meeting

ECMWF is hosting a meeting of Cray supercomputer users in London from 8 to 12 May. The head of supercomputing at ECMWF, Mike Hawkins, has a special interest in the event.

ECMWF's Louise Arnal at the EGU General Assembly 2016

ECMWF climate reanalysis prompts interest at geosciences conference

Presentations by ECMWF staff on a new climate reanalysis that went into production earlier this year caused excitement among fellow scientists attending the European Geosciences Union General Assembly in Vienna from 17 to 22 April.

HPC in meteorology workshop

Registration open for workshop on supercomputing in meteorology

ECMWF’s Workshop on High-Performance Computing in Meteorology takes place from 24 to 28 October 2016 in Reading, UK.

ECMWF Fellows Prof Heini Wernli and Prof Daniel Jacob

ECMWF appoints two new Fellows

Daniel Jacob from Harvard University and Heini Wernli from ETH Zurich have begun three-year Fellowships to work with ECMWF in the fields of atmospheric composition and dynamic meteorology, respectively.

Newsletter 147 cover page

Spring Newsletter published

The Spring 2016 issue of the ECMWF Newsletter is now available. As well as news about ECMWF staff and events, it features articles about new developments and the use that can be made of ECMWF products.

Model Uncertainty Workshop graphic

Experts on model uncertainty chart way forward

Seventy-eight scientists from 15 countries met at the Centre from 11 to 15 April to discuss how best to deal with uncertainties in the models used in weather and climate forecasting systems.

Linus Magnusson

How to pinpoint the sources of forecast errors

Linus Magnusson works in the Diagnostics Team at ECMWF. His task: to track down the causes of differences between the Centre’s weather forecasts and observed outcomes.

Annual Seminar 2016, ocean currents graphic

Seminar on ‘Earth system modelling for seamless prediction’

Registration is now open for ECMWF’s 2016 Annual Seminar. The seminar will explore which Earth system processes we should focus on to further improve atmospheric predictive skill.