
Magdalena Balmaseda explains an ocean chart

How ocean modelling improves weather predictions

Ocean modelling has come to play an ever-growing role in global numerical weather prediction. ECMWF’s ocean expert Magdalena Balmaseda explains why.

ECMWF scientists discuss the Centre's forecasts in the Weather Room

ECMWF is looking for its next Director of Forecasts

ECMWF is recruiting a new Director for its Forecast Department after Florence Rabier left the post to become Director-General of ECMWF.

Sentinel-3 satellite on Rockot launcher in space

Sentinel-3A Earth observation satellite launched

A satellite that will greatly boost Europe’s Earth observation capabilities has gone into orbit after it was launched from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome in northern Russia on 16 February 2016.

Pacific Ocean potential temperature chart

How predictable was the current El Niño?

One of the strongest El Niño events on record peaked in November 2015. How predictable was it? And is it the most extreme ever?

Training on use of ECMWF products, poster session

New ‘train the trainer’ course popular with forecasters

Meteorologists from across ECMWF’s Member States have taken part in a new course designed to help them train others in the use of the Centre’s products.

NASA Chief Scientist Ellen Stofan

NASA keen to deepen ties with weather organisations, Chief Scientist says

NASA Chief Scientist Ellen Stofan has said her organisation is keen to forge closer links with weather forecasting services around the world.

ECMWF's Cray supercomputer

Supercomputer deal boosts prediction capabilities

ECMWF has signed a contract with Cray Inc. to significantly upgrade its supercomputer facility, enabling the Centre to further improve its numerical weather predictions.

Newsletter 146 cover page

Winter newsletter published

The Winter 2015/16 issue of the ECMWF Newsletter is now available. As well as news about ECMWF staff and events, it features articles about new developments and the use that can be made of ECMWF products.

Professor Tim Palmer

ECMWF Fellow explores new ideas to boost accuracy in NWP

Professor Tim Palmer says work on numerical weather prediction (NWP) carried out by his group at the University of Oxford can help ECMWF achieve “more accuracy with less precision”.

Artist's impression of Jason-3 satellite in orbit

Jason-3 satellite launched

A satellite that can determine sea-surface height to within a few centimetres has gone into orbit after it was launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California on 17 January.