
Open Data Week at ECMWF, 2017

What can you do with open data?

Open data will be in the spotlight during a week of events at ECMWF exploring the potential of freely available weather-related data.

Dick Dee

ECMWF scientists explain benefits of climate reanalysis

Climate reanalysis has huge benefits for numerical weather prediction (NWP) as well as climate studies, and it can help to shed new light on the pace of global warming, two of ECMWF’s top reanalysis experts have said in separate high-profile interventions.

Andrew Brown

ECMWF appoints new Director of Research

Dr Andrew Brown has been appointed as ECMWF’s next Director of Research after Professor Erland Källén steps down on 31 July 2017.

Complex network

Drive to boost supercomputer efficiency in full swing

ECMWF is making big strides in preparing weather forecasting for the exascale era of supercomputing by improving efficiency and scalability in all parts of the production and dissemination workflow.

Sea-surface temperature chart IFS Cycle 43r1

Model upgrade brings sea-ice coupling and higher ocean resolution

ECMWF implemented a new version of its forecasting system on 22 November, which introduces a dynamic sea-ice model and increases the resolution of the ocean model. These and other changes significantly improve the Centre’s weather predictions.

Arctic sea ice

ECMWF joins new project to probe impact of a changing Arctic climate

ECMWF is part of a new EU-funded project investigating ways to improve weather and climate predictions in the face of a rapidly changing Arctic climate.

ESA's ADM-Aeolus satellite

New satellite wind data expected to boost forecast performance

A ground-breaking satellite mission to be launched in late 2017 or early 2018 could herald a step change in the quality of weather forecasts around the globe by providing new wind data, a meeting on tropical modelling held at ECMWF has heard.

EC-Earth meeting at ECMWF 2 and 3 Nov 2016

EC-Earth to use OpenIFS in next-generation Earth system model

EC-Earth, a European consortium which aims to provide reliable climate information, will use ECMWF’s OpenIFS for the atmosphere–land component in future versions of its Earth system model.

Daily mean temperature January 2016 from ERA5

ECMWF unveils preview of new global climate monitoring tool

One year after the Paris Agreement on climate change, ECMWF launches its most powerful global climate monitoring tool to date, ERA5.

Clouds and sunrays

Progress in modelling the impact of clouds and aerosols on radiation

A workshop on the Earth’s radiation budget hosted by ECMWF from 18 to 21 October heard that progress has been made in radiation modelling at ECMWF.