
Eduardo Penabad Ramos

Multi-system seasonal forecast service takes first steps

The EU-funded Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) operated by ECMWF is trialling a multi-system seasonal forecast service. Behind the scenes, ECMWF scientist Eduardo Penabad Ramos helped to prepare the ground for the successful launch.

Extreme Forecast Index chart for 12 Jan 2015

ECMWF and Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre team up on flash flood forecasts

A collaboration between ECMWF scientists and the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre is investigating how forecasts of flash floods can help the communities likely to be affected.

Composite image of Earth as seen by Metop-B satellite

How EUMETSAT helps ECMWF to push the limits of predictability

Accurate and timely Earth system observations from across the globe are essential for high-quality weather forecasts. EUMETSAT satellites are playing an ever-growing role in providing them.

CAMS aerosol forecast for 18 January 2017

Model upgrade improves aerosol forecasts

Changes to the aerosol model of the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) global forecasting system operated by ECMWF have resulted in more accurate forecasts.

ECMWF Newsletter 150 Cover

Winter 2016/17 Newsletter published

The Winter 2016/17 issue of the ECMWF Newsletter is now available. As well as news about ECMWF staff and events, it features articles about new developments and the use that can be made of ECMWF products.

ESA's ADM-Aeolus satellite

Wind mission satellite to leave UK for tests

A satellite which is expected to improve weather forecasts by providing new wind information is ready to leave its UK production site for tests ahead of its launch at the end of 2017.

Patricia de Rosnay

How do land surface observations improve weather forecasts?

Accurate and timely observations of the land surface are vital for good weather predictions but they can be tricky to come by, ECMWF scientist Patricia de Rosnay says.

ECMWF governance, Member State flags, Council Chamber

New appointments in ECMWF governance mark the start of 2017

December 2016 saw Jorge Miguel Alberto de Miranda and Juhani Damski start their terms as President and Vice-President of ECMWF’s Council. At the same time, five new members were appointed to ECMWF’s Scientific Advisory Committee.

Global temperature anomalies 2016

2016 was warmest year yet, ECMWF data show

2016 was the warmest year on record with global surface air temperatures about 1.3°C above pre-industrial levels, according to the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) run by ECMWF on behalf of the EU.

News highlights 2016

News highlights of 2016

A new Member State, two major model upgrades, a new ten-year Strategy, two director appointments – 2016 has been rich in developments from which the Centre will benefit for many years to come.