
UEF2017 graphic and dates

Registration open for ECMWF’s annual user meeting in June

Registration is still open for this year’s ‘Using ECMWF’s Forecasts’ meeting, UEF2017. Join us for a week of talks, workshops and demonstrations exploring the use of ECMWF data in forecasting severe weather.

World Meteorological Day 2017 poster

World Meteorological Day puts spotlight on clouds

World Meteorological Day 2017 is dedicated to ‘Understanding Clouds’. The theme was chosen by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) to highlight the huge importance of clouds for weather and climate.

5th International Conference on Reanalysis announcement

Registration open for Rome climate reanalysis conference in November

The EU-funded Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) operated by ECMWF is holding the 5th International Conference on Reanalysis (ICR5) from 13 to 17 November 2017 in Rome, Italy.

Flooded campsite

ANYWHERE project aims to predict weather impacts

Some 70 scientists, developers and emergency managers from across Europe came together at ECMWF from 15 to 17 March to drive forward a project that aims to provide forecasts of weather impacts, such as damage from wind storms, floods and heat waves.

Idealised tropical cyclone simulation, vertical section

European Research Council funding boosts numerical work

As the European Research Council (ERC) celebrates its tenth anniversary, an ERC-funded frontier research project hosted by ECMWF is making decisive progress in exploring novel numerical methods for weather prediction and climate projection.

Open data hackathon at ECMWF 4 and 5 March 2017 (Photo: Maurizio Latini)

Twenty ways to unleash the power of open data

Twenty teams worked day and night at the #OpenDataHack event hosted by ECMWF on 4 and 5 March to explore creative uses of open weather and climate data.

Hourglass in the sky

Ensemble forecasts disseminated 40 minutes earlier

For weather forecasts to be useful, they must be delivered in a timely manner. On 7 March, ECMWF started disseminating medium-range probabilistic forecasts to its users 40 minutes earlier than before.

Artist's impression of proposed new ECMWF data centre

First step in new international investment in Bologna for ECMWF’s new data centre

ECMWF’s Council has mandated Director-General Florence Rabier to prepare a high-level agreement with the Italian Government on a new data centre, for approval by Council at its next session.

Cloudscape above a plain

ECMWF to hold symposium on dynamic meteorology on 8 June

Experts in numerical weather prediction will converge on the Centre on 8 June for a symposium on dynamic meteorology to mark the departure of ECMWF’s Director of Research of eight years, Erland Källén.

Annual Seminar 2017 registration open

Twenty-five years of ensemble forecasting

On 24 November 1992, ECMWF started producing probabilistic or 'ensemble' forecasts. Since then, ensemble forecasting at the Centre has been going from strength to strength.