
Nils Wedi

What next for supercomputing in weather forecasting?

How fast can weather prediction models be adapted to work on tomorrow’s supercomputer architectures? This is one of the questions ECMWF scientist Nils Wedi will address in his talk at a supercomputer workshop which opened at the Centre on 24 October.

Newsletter 149 cover page

Autumn Newsletter published

The Autumn 2016 issue of the ECMWF Newsletter is now available. As well as news about ECMWF staff and events, it features articles about new developments and the use that can be made of ECMWF products.

Orographic drag illustration

Scientists grapple with Earth surface effects on atmospheric flow

The Earth’s surface slows down and deflects atmospheric flow in a variety of ways. Scientists believe a better representation of these processes in models can lead to improved weather forecasts.

South East Asia Map

WMO fellow from Vietnam begins placement year at ECMWF

Nguyen Thanh Tung, a forecaster from Vietnam’s National Centre for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, has begun a 12-month placement at ECMWF, sponsored by the WMO.

Sea ice

WMO’s Paolo Ruti upbeat on Year of Polar Prediction

Paolo Ruti, the Chief of the WMO’s World Weather Research Division, says he is pleased with the progress made to date on the Year of Polar Prediction, a flagship activity of the World Weather Research Programme’s Polar Prediction Project.

Roberto Buizza at ECMWF's Annual Seminar 2016

Annual Seminar speakers set out case for Earth system approach

About 100 people met in Reading from 5 to 8 September for one of ECMWF’s flagship events, the four-day Annual Seminar.

HPC workshop 2016 image

Registration to close soon for workshop on supercomputing in meteorology

Registration for ECMWF’s workshop on high-performance computing in meteorology closes on Monday, 26 September.

ECMWF building and flags in Reading, UK

ECMWF is looking for a new Director of Research

ECMWF is inviting applications for the post of Director of Research with a starting date of June 2017. The closing date for applications is 7 October.

Manuel Fuentes, EMS President Horst Böttger and Baudouin Raoult

ECMWF’s MARS team receives EMS Technology Achievement Award

The team in charge of ECMWF’s Meteorological Archival and Retrieval System (MARS) received the European Meteorological Society (EMS) Technology Achievement Award 2016 in the Italian city of Trieste on 13 September.

ECMWF Strategy 2016-2025

ECMWF launches new Strategy

ECMWF has launched its new ten-year Strategy, which sets ambitious goals that push the limits of predictability in weather forecasting.