
TIGGE/S2S workshop poster session April 2019

Scientists explore use of forecast databases for weather research

Scientists from across the world flocked to ECMWF from 2 to 5 April 2019 to discuss predictability, dynamics and applications research using ensemble forecast databases for the medium and sub-seasonal to seasonal range. The Centre is currently testing new forecast products for the sub-seasonal range.

Freja Vamborg

European State of the Climate 2018 unveiled in Vienna

The EU-funded Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) implemented by ECMWF presented the European State of the Climate 2018 report at a top geoscience meeting in Vienna on 9 April 2019. Freja Vamborg is the scientist who pulled the report together.

EUMETSAT Research Fellows hosted at ECMWF (as of March 2019)

EUMETSAT Fellows help improve ECMWF weather forecasts

With their high level of expertise in satellite products and operational weather prediction, EUMETSAT Research Fellows are a critical link between EUMETSAT and ECMWF, helping to ensure that Member States and society gain maximum benefit from European investments in space observations.

World Meteorological Day 2019 image

Why weather prediction needs an Earth system approach

On the occasion of World Meteorological Day 2019, ECMWF Director of Research Andy Brown looks at how the theme of the Sun, the Earth and the Weather ties in with the Centre’s Earth system approach to numerical weather prediction.

Oksana Tarasova at CHE-VERIFY General Assemblies March 2019

CO2 monitoring project working towards early prototype in 2021

An ambitious European project to build an operational global carbon dioxide monitoring and verification support capability aims to deliver an early prototype in 2021, project members meeting at ECMWF for their second General Assembly from 12 to 14 March 2019 heard.

Peter Lean

Continuous data assimilation at ECMWF: from idea to operational reality

ECMWF will soon be able to use more up-to-date weather observations to help define the initial conditions for its forecasts. The change was prompted by a talk given by ECMWF scientist Peter Lean.

Laura Ferranti, Gabriele Arduini, Erik Andersson, Beena Balan Sarojini

The obstacles women face in science – four ECMWF scientists talk

On the occasion of International Women’s Day 2019, we brought together four ECMWF scientists to talk about why there are so few women in science. There is more common ground in their answers than you might expect.

Ocean waves

Upgrade to boost quality of ocean wave forecasts

ECMWF’s high-quality ocean wave forecasts are set to improve further when the Integrated Forecasting System is upgraded later this year. Wave forecasts will benefit from a new physics package as well as improvements in variables that drive the forecasts.

Extra observations used in data assimilation

Upgrade of ECMWF’s forecasting system planned for June

ECMWF upgrades its forecasting system on a regular basis, and one such upgrade is currently planned for June 2019. Director of Research Andy Brown will explain the changes and how they will improve forecasts in two webinars on 26 February and 7 March.

Damien Decremer

How statistics supports Earth system model diagnostics and calibration

Modelling, computing and statistics come together in Earth system model diagnostics and calibration work. ECMWF scientist Damien Decremer has the required interdisciplinary expertise.