
Annual Seminar 2019 graphic with dates

Registration open for key ECMWF events in 2019

Registration is open for several of ECMWF’s 2019 events: our Annual Seminar, the Using ECMWF’s Forecasts meeting (UEF), and workshops dedicated to strengthening links between observational campaigns and NWP and to exploring technologies for developing reproducible workflows.

APPLICATE General Assembly Jan 2019

APPLICATE partners probe polar predictions

Some 70 scientists reviewed 'exciting first results' at the second General Assembly and an early career event of the EU-funded APPLICATE project on polar prediction at ECMWF from 28 January to 1 February 2019.

ARISTOTLE 2 workshop 21 to 23 Jan 2019

Experts draw up roadmap for European multi-hazard service

Thirty experts from across Europe came together at ECMWF from 21 to 23 January 2019 to draw up a roadmap for the creation of a European virtual operating centre for natural disasters. They met as part of the ARISTOTLE 2 project, in which ECMWF is involved as a subcontractor and data provider.

ECMWF Newsletter 158 cover

Winter 2018/19 Newsletter published

The winter 2018/19 issue of the ECMWF Newsletter is now available. As well as news about ECMWF staff and events, it features articles about new developments and the use that can be made of ECMWF products.

Summer of Weather Code 2019

Twelve challenges for ECMWF’s second Summer of Weather Code

ECMWF has launched its second Summer of Weather Code (ESoWC) programme open to anybody keen to develop innovative weather-related software. Participants will team up with ECMWF mentors to work on 12 challenges.

2018 Hurricane Florence in ERA5 and ERA-Interim

New ERA5 dataset provides weather and climate details back to 1979

ECMWF’s new atmospheric reanalysis, ERA5, provides a detailed picture of the global weather and climate back to 1979 after the Copernicus Climate Change Service, implemented by ECMWF on behalf of the EU, released the latest tranche of ERA5 data.

Antje Inness

New satellite instrument boosts air quality monitoring capabilities

There are signs that ozone levels over Antarctica are slowly recovering. ECMWF scientist Antje Inness harnesses the power of new satellite instruments to monitor this trend and other developments in atmospheric composition and air quality.

ECMWF news highlights of 2018

News highlights of 2018

The year 2018 was rich in developments across ECMWF’s activities, including a major upgrade of the Integrated Forecasting System; the Annual Seminar on Earth system data assimilation; the launch of the Climate Data Store; and the release of an invitation to tender for ECMWF’s next high-performance computing facility.

Bologna data centre industry day

Data centre Industry Day – registration open

Registration is open for ECMWF’s Industry Day on 16 January 2019 in Bologna, Italy. Potential suppliers are invited to find out more about upcoming tenders for equipment and services for the Centre’s new data centre.

ECMWF Fellows Louise Nuijens, Marc Bocquet, Maria-Helena Ramos

Three new ECMWF Fellowships awarded

ECMWF has appointed Louise Nuijens (TU Delft), Marc Bocquet (École des Ponts ParisTech) and Maria-Helena Ramos (Irstea) to three-year Fellowships from 1 January 2019.