
Peter Bauer

ON HOLD: Preparing weather prediction for next-generation supercomputers

Six years ago, ECMWF launched a major programme to prepare all its systems for future supercomputer architectures. On 10 December, ECMWF Deputy Director of Research Peter Bauer will set out the main results and plans to implement them.

Graphic for stratospheric predictability workshop at ECMWF Nov 19

Scientists review impact of the stratosphere on weather

What impact does the stratosphere have on the weather below, and how can we harness our knowledge of that impact to improve weather forecasts? About 90 scientists came together at ECMWF from 18 to 21 November to review the state of the art.

Components of the global weather observing system

ECMWF statement on the outcomes of the ITU WRC-2019 conference

The outcome of the ITU's World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 (WRC-19) in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, from 28 October to 22 November regarding the important 24 GHz observations is a big disappointment for ECMWF.

Martin Palkovič at the Copernicus AI workshop in Nov 2019

Experts probe use of AI in Earth system applications

Sixty-nine scientists came together at ECMWF from 5 to 7 November 2019 to explore the scope for widening the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in Earth system applications.

Aeolus satellite wind profile path

Tests show positive impact of new Aeolus wind data on forecasts

Tests carried out at ECMWF have demonstrated that new wind profile observations from the European Space Agency's ground-breaking Aeolus satellite significantly improve weather forecasts, particularly in the southern hemisphere and the tropics.

Crop showing model climate for Africa

More ECMWF products made freely available to WMO Members

ECMWF has increased the amount of weather prediction products it makes available free of charge to Members of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

ECMWF Newsletter 161 cover

Autumn 2019 Newsletter published

The autumn 2019 issue of the ECMWF Newsletter is now available. As well as news about ECMWF staff and events, it features articles about new developments and the use that can be made of ECMWF products.

Jozef Vivoda at ECMWF in October 2019

Tests of numerical scheme developed in Member States are promising

ECMWF has worked with experts in its Member States to test a new numerical scheme for calculations over the vertical grid in its Integrated Forecasting System (IFS). The results of initial tests are very promising.

NEXTGenIO workshop image

Project develops ‘game-changing’ I/O capabilities in supercomputing

The EU-funded NEXTGenIO project has designed and built a prototype hardware platform that promises massive gains in I/O capabilities in supercomputing. ECMWF has made a big contribution to the four-year project.

ESoWC coding group

Summer coding programme inspires open-source developments

ECMWF’s 2019 Summer of Weather Code finished on a high with a showcase day for the seven successful projects on 20 September.