
Warm conveyor belt graphic

Getting a grip on warm conveyor belts in weather forecasting

Predicting warm conveyor belt ascending air flows in extratropical cyclones and their impacts on the weather remains a key challenge for forecasting. A workshop at ECMWF from 10 to 12 March 2020 will bring together a wide range of international experts to discuss the way forward.

ECMWF Newsletter 162 cover

Winter 2019/20 Newsletter published

The winter 2019/20 issue of the ECMWF Newsletter is now available. As well as news about ECMWF staff and events, it features articles about new developments and the use that can be made of ECMWF products.

UTCI heat stress plot for Europe in June 2019

ECMWF releases 40-year dataset on weather-induced thermal stress

ECMWF has released global data on weather-induced, outdoor thermal stress and discomfort in human beings covering the period from 1979 to today. The data have been calculated using weather information from ECMWF’s ERA5 reanalysis.

Adrian Gregory and Florence Rabier

ECMWF signs contract with Atos for new supercomputer

ECMWF has signed a four-year contract worth over 80 million euros with Atos for the supply of its BullSequana XH2000 supercomputer. ECMWF’s Council of Member States gave the Centre the green light for the deal during its session in December 2019.

Aeolus satellite wind profile path

ECMWF starts assimilating Aeolus wind data

ECMWF started assimilating wind data from the European Space Agency's ground-breaking Aeolus satellite operationally on 9 January 2020 after tests showed that they significantly improve weather forecasts.

Convective clouds

ECMWF scientists to simulate global weather at 1 km resolution

A group of ECMWF scientists have been awarded time on the world’s most powerful supercomputer to carry out ground-breaking global weather and climate simulations at 1 km resolution.

News highlights 2019

News highlights of 2019

ECMWF news highlights in 2019 include an upgrade of ECMWF’s Integrated Forecasting System that greatly improved forecasts; tests showing the substantial impact of ground-breaking new wind data; a series of events to drive forward numerical weather prediction; and the appointment of a new Director of Copernicus Services.

Graphic for ECMWF events 2020

A look ahead to ECMWF events in 2020

Registration is open for the 2020 Annual Seminar and a workshop on the forecasting challenges associated with warm conveyor belts. Other events in 2020 include the Using ECMWF’s Forecasts meeting (UEF) and our biennial workshop on high-performance computing in meteorology.

Peter Düben

What next for machine learning in weather forecasting?

The use of machine learning in numerical weather prediction is on the rise. In a lecture on 10 December 2019, ECMWF scientist Peter Düben set out the main use cases and charted the way ahead.

Poster session at H SAF/HEPEX workshop 2019

Modelling and data communities meet at ECMWF to advance hydrology

More than a hundred modellers and satellite data specialists in the field of hydrology came together at ECMWF from 25 to 28 November to debate new ideas and deepen collaborations.