
Woodland in the four seasons

C3S multi-model seasonal forecasting system takes over from EUROSIP

The EUROSIP multi-model seasonal forecasting system has been retired, with forecasts now being provided by the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) multi-model.

Patrick Laloyaux

How to reduce the influence of model bias at the start of forecasts

Accurate estimates of the current state of the Earth system are crucial for successful weather predictions. ECMWF scientist Patrick Laloyaux has developed a method to reduce the influence of model biases on those estimates.

Jean-Noël Thépaut

What next for the Copernicus services implemented by ECMWF?

On 1 October 2019, Jean-Noël Thépaut took up his post as Director of Copernicus Services at ECMWF. In an interview, he explains what has been achieved since 2014 and how he intends to develop the Copernicus services implemented by the Centre.

GPS satellite

Experts review use of inter-satellite observations in weather forecasting

More than 100 experts meeting in Denmark from 19 to 25 September are reviewing the use of satellite-to-satellite observations in weather forecasting. ECMWF scientists attending the meeting will set out how such ‘radio occultation’ data help to define the initial conditions for forecasts and to develop forecasting systems.

Houses in flood waters

Herogram illustrates how ECMWF scientists support EU flood work

A recent EU herogram highlights the flood prediction work done at ECMWF to help the EU protect people from natural hazards. The Centre’s flood-related activities include research and operations.

Andy Brown at the Annual Seminar 2019

Annual Seminar probes progress in predictions up to seasons ahead

Twenty-five experts set out progress and future prospects for sub-seasonal and seasonal predictions at ECMWF’s Annual Seminar 2019 from 2 to 5 September. This flagship event in ECMWF’s calendar was attended by more than 100 participants from 22 countries.

Baudouin Raoult, Bob Riddaway, Cedric Bergeron at EMS 2019

Climate Data Store team receives EMS Technology Achievement Award

The ECMWF team who developed the Copernicus Climate Change Service’s Climate Data Store received the European Meteorological Society Technology Achievement Award 2019 in Copenhagen on 9 September 2019.

Laura Ferranti

Annual Seminar focuses on sub-seasonal to seasonal predictions

ECMWF’s Annual Seminar from 2 to 5 September 2019 focuses on recent progress and future prospects in sub-seasonal and seasonal forecasting. Laura Ferranti, one of the organisers of this flagship event in ECMWF’s calendar, has decades of experience in the field.

2019 temperature records in France, Germany, UK

How predictable were this summer’s European temperature records?

Several European national and city temperature records tumbled this summer during two separate heatwaves in June and July. How well can such extreme events be predicted using a state-of-the-art global forecasting system?

Wildfire in Greenland July 2019

Unusual Arctic wildfire activity continues into August

Unusually high levels of wildfire activity within the Arctic Circle monitored since the second week of June 2019 have continued well into August, data from the EU-funded Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service implemented by ECMWF show.