
News highlights 2021

News highlights of 2021

ECMWF news highlights in 2021 include two upgrades of our Integrated Forecasting System that improved forecasts; projects and workshops to drive forward weather science; and new developments regarding the EU-funded Copernicus services implemented by ECMWF.

Machine Learning workshop image

Scientists explore machine learning for Earth system work

The European Space Agency and ECMWF held an online workshop on Machine Learning for Earth System Observation and Prediction from 15 to 18 November 2021. The annual event attracted over 1,100 participants from 85 countries.

ECMWF supercomputer in Bologna

New supercomputing resources available for Special Project research

From next year ECMWF will start to provide about five times more supercomputing resources in its new data centre in Bologna for weather and climate research as part of the Special Project framework.

Member State flags in ECMWF Council chamber, Copyright: Stephen Shepherd

ECMWF welcomes Georgia as its 12th Co-operating State

A Co-operation Agreement between ECMWF and Georgia came into force on 1 December 2021.

ESCAPE-2 project image

Computing project prepares weather prediction for the exascale

The three-year EU-funded ESCAPE-2 project coordinated by ECMWF, on energy-efficient scalable algorithms for weather and climate prediction at the exascale, is coming to a successful conclusion.


Copernicus CO2 project holds first General Assembly

The ECMWF-coordinated Copernicus CO2 (CoCO2) project to build a prototype system to monitor anthropogenic CO2 emissions worldwide held its first General Assembly from 16 to 18 November.

Metop satellite

Metop-A satellite retiring after 15 years of huge benefits to forecasting

EUMETSAT has started to decommission the Metop-A satellite, which has brought tremendous benefits to numerical weather prediction after it was launched 15 years ago.

Peter Bauer at the launch of the Destination Earth initiative on 30 March 2022

Initiative to create digital twin of our planet is launched

Representatives of the European Space Agency, EUMETSAT, ECMWF and the European Commission came together virtually on 30 March 2022 to inaugurate Destination Earth, an ambitious initiative to develop a highly accurate digital twin of our planet.

ECMWF OpenCharts montage

ECMWF’s free-to-use OpenCharts catalogue extended and new feature added

A powerful new feature is now available through our popular OpenCharts Catalogue, allowing users to tailor their own forecast display. The launch of ‘ChartSet’ comes just weeks after nearly 60 new products were added, bringing the total number available to well over 250.

ECMWF at COP26 graphic

ECMWF at the United Nations COP26 Climate Change Conference

ECMWF will be present at COP26, showing how data and services from the EU’s Copernicus Earth observation programme can support countries in meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement.