
ECMWF and Union for the Mediterranean logos over image of Mediterranean

Union for Mediterranean and ECMWF sign cooperation accord

The Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean and ECMWF signed an agreement on 25 October establishing bilateral cooperation concerning the uptake and impact of EU Copernicus services implemented by ECMWF.

ECMWF Newsletter 169

Autumn 2021 Newsletter published

The autumn 2021 issue of the ECMWF Newsletter is now available. As well as news about ECMWF staff and events, it features articles about new developments and the use that can be made of ECMWF products.

Cinzia Mazzetti

Using hydrology to help upgrade European and global flood forecasting

ECMWF takes care of operational matters for the European and Global Flood Awareness Systems of the EU’s Copernicus Emergency Management Service. Cinzia Mazzetti uses her hydrological skills to help upgrade EFAS to much higher resolution.

Upgrade to IFS Cycle 47r3

Forecast upgrade improves moist physics and use of satellite observations

An upgrade of ECMWF’s Integrated Forecasting System to Cycle 47r3 implemented on 12 October has improved the representation of moist physics in the model and increased satellite observation usage in cloudy regions in data assimilation.

High-performance computing in meteorology

Experts debate use of high-performance computing in meteorology

ECMWF held a biennial event on the use of high-performance computing in meteorology from 20 to 24 September, bringing together experts from national weather centres, academia and industry.

Kaah Menang

WMO fellow to develop Climate Data Store application for Africa

Kaah Menang, a meteorologist and researcher from the National Department of Meteorology, Cameroon, is to use a one-year World Meteorological Organization Fellowship at ECMWF to work on a Climate Data Store application for Africa.

Annual Seminar 2021 group image

Annual Seminar looks into Earth system observations

Thirty-seven experts set out the latest thinking on Earth system observations at ECMWF’s Annual Seminar 2021 from 13 to 17 September. The online event was held jointly with the World Meteorological Organization WCRP–WWRP Symposium on Data Assimilation and Reanalysis.

Map showing ECMWF sites in the UK, Germany and Italy

ECMWF becomes a multi-site organisation

ECMWF has officially become a multi-site organisation, holding opening ceremonies for offices in Bonn, Germany, and its data centre in Bologna, Italy, on 13 and 14 September 2021.

Katie Lean

Investigating AMVs and microwave sounders on small satellites

As ECMWF’s Annual Seminar on Observations gets under way, we take a look at Katie Lean’s work on satellites producing atmospheric motion vectors (AMVs) and a potential future constellation of small satellites carrying microwave sounding instruments.

European temperature anomaly June-July-August 2021

Heat, rain, floods and fires – the European summer of 2021

The European summer of 2021 stands out for great heat, regional fires, heavy rain and devastating floods, which were reflected in the output of ECMWF and the EU’s Copernicus Services which we operate or contribute to.