
David Richardson

Continuously evaluating our forecasts to improve their quality

ECMWF’s Head of Evaluation, David Richardson, gives an insight into the work involved in assessing the quality of all ECMWF outputs.

Satellite image of Hunga Tonga eruption Jan 2022

The Hunga Tonga eruption as seen by ECMWF

The eruption of the Hunga Tonga–Hunga Haʻapai volcano in the southern Pacific Ocean on 15 January 2022 had a strong effect on the signals of satellite instruments used by ECMWF. Here we present some of those signals and explain their meaning.

CONFESS project image

Research project aims to boost Copernicus Climate Change Service

An EU-funded research project aims to improve the services provided by the Copernicus Climate Change Service run by ECMWF for the European Commission. The CONFESS project started in November 2020 and will continue until October 2023.

EUMETSAT Research Fellows in February 2022

EUMETSAT Fellows exploit satellite data for weather forecasting

Four EUMETSAT Research Fellows are helping ECMWF to fully exploit satellite data for weather forecasting. The data is needed to help establish the initial conditions of forecasts as precisely as possible.

UEF2022 meeting graphic

Annual user meeting to explore visualisation of meteorological data

Our annual Using ECMWF’s Forecasts (UEF) meeting will focus on visualising meteorological data, running as an in-person and virtual event from 7 to 10 June. Registration and abstract submission are open until 8 April.

The ozone hole at one point during 2021

The 2021 Antarctic ozone hole was big and long-lasting

The 2021 Antarctic ozone hole was relatively big and long-lasting, the EU-funded Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service run by ECMWF has found. It does not mean that the longer-term aim to close the ozone hole is off-track.

Open data top image

ECMWF makes wide range of data openly available

From 25 January 2022, a wide range of ECMWF’s forecast data across the globe will be openly available. This move towards ‘open data’ comes after a large range of forecast charts were earlier made available to anybody interested in them.

ECMWF Newsletter No. 170

Winter 2021/22 Newsletter published

The winter 2021/22 issue of the ECMWF Newsletter is now available. As well as news about ECMWF staff and events, it features articles about new developments and the use that can be made of ECMWF products.

Sylvie Lamy-Thépaut

Widening the reach of ECMWF’s data

ECMWF is on a mission to make its data available to more people. Sylvie Lamy-Thépaut combines weather forecasting expertise with computing knowledge to achieve this.

C3S 2021 temperature anomaly

Review of 2021 climate places it among seven warmest on record

The year 2021 was among the seven warmest on record, and Europe experienced a summer of extremes, according to findings reported by the EU’s Copernicus Climate Change Service implemented by ECMWF.