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Copernicus Emergency Management Service … Copernicus Emergency Management Service … Copernicus … CEMS … Copernicus Emergency Management … ...
Uses a sophisticated data assimilation methodology which includes a model bias correction. The ocean model used is forced by atmospheric daily surface fluxes, relaxed to SST and bias corrected. … Ocean Reanalysis System 4 … ICDC … ORAS4 … Uses a sophisticated … ...
An eddy-permitting ocean reanalysis spanning the period 1979–2012. Includes increased horizontal and vertical resolution, an prognostic sea-ice component, new versions of the ocean and data assimilation system, revised surface fluxes, new version and … ...
The ECMWF OCEAN5 system is a new global eddy-permitting ocean-sea ice ensemble reanalysis analysis system. This Technical Memorandum gives a full description of the OCEAN5 system, with the focus on its Behind-Real-Time (BRT) component, the reanalysis product … ...
ERA-20CL is ECMWF's land surface reanalysis of the 20th century, from 1900-2010. It assimilates observations of land surface observations only. … ECMWF Reanalysis of the 20th Century - Land … ERA-CLIM … ECMWF … ERA-20CL … ERA-20CL is ECMWF's land surface … ...
An ensemble of ten atmospheric model integrations for the years 1899 to 2009/2010. There are two versions of the ERA-20CM atmospheric model integrations. Each is comprised of a 10-member ensemble using: Radiative forcing from CMIP5 Sea-surface temperature … ...
The world's largest collection of pressure observations, developed by extracting observations from established international archives of meteorological variables and by combining these with observations made available by others organisations. … International … ...
ERA-20C is ECMWF's first atmospheric reanalysis of the 20th century, from 1900-2010. It assimilates observations of surface pressure and surface marine winds only. It is available on 37 pressure levels, 16 potential temperature levels, and 2 potential … ...
The CAMS reanalysis is the latest global reanalysis data set of atmospheric composition (AC) produced by the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service, consisting of 3-dimensional time-consistent AC fields, including aerosols, chemical species and greenhouse … ...
ERA-Interim/Land is a global reanalysis of land-surface parameters from 1979-2010 at 80 km spatial resolution. It was produced with a recent version of the HTESSEL land-surface model using atmospheric forcing from ERA-Interim, with precipitation adjustments … ...