
New Software Strategy image

ECMWF publishes new Software Strategy

ECMWF has published a new Software Strategy, outlining its plans for the development of software outside the weather prediction process until 2027. One of the guiding ideas is for software to be developed openly.

CoCO2 top image

Copernicus CO2 project enters final year

The ECMWF-coordinated CoCO2 project to build a prototype system to monitor anthropogenic CO2 emissions worldwide has moved into its final year. This EU-funded initiative is on track to feed into a permanent anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions Monitoring and Verification Support Capacity.

ECMWF Newsletter No. 174 image

Winter 2022/23 Newsletter published

The winter 2022/23 issue of the ECMWF Newsletter is now available. As well as news about ECMWF staff and events, it features articles about new developments and the use that can be made of ECMWF products.

The three machine learning coordinators at ECMWF

The growing role of machine learning at ECMWF

Machine learning is entering many aspects of weather forecasting. At ECMWF, a team of three people is supporting these activities. They expect machine learning to continue to play a growing role in weather forecasting.

2022 surface air temperature anomaly

The year 2022 was the second warmest on record in Europe

The year 2022 was the second warmest on record in Europe, and the summer of 2022 was the hottest in Europe, data released by the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) run by ECMWF show.

News highlights 2022

News highlights of 2022

ECMWF news highlights of 2022 include forecast data updates; projects and workshops to drive forward weather science; and news from the EU-funded services implemented by ECMWF.

4D-Var diagram

25 years of 4D-Var: how machine learning can improve the use of observations

Twenty-five years ago, ECMWF introduced ‘4D-Var’ to the assimilation of observational data into its weather model. Changes worked on over the last few years include reducing the effects of model biases using machine learning techniques.

C3S forecast for December-January-February from November 2022

How models predict a possible outline of winter weather in Europe

ECMWF produces not just weather forecasts 15 days ahead but also forecasts for weeks and seasons ahead. The latter contribute to multi-centre predictions provided by the EU’s Copernicus Climate Change Service run by ECMWF.

EUMETSAT's MTG-I1 satellite

New geostationary satellite to bring benefits for ECMWF’s forecasts

EUMETSAT is planning to launch a new geostationary satellite in December that provides more frequent and higher-resolution images than its predecessor and carries a new instrument to observe lightning flashes.

Mean daily river discharge 1980 to 2019 from GloFAS v4.0

Copernicus Emergency Management Service releases GloFAS v4.0 hydrological reanalysis

A new, substantially upgraded hydrological reanalysis dataset of the Global Flood Awareness System from 1980 to July 2022 has been produced by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission in collaboration with ECMWF and released as part of the Copernicus Emergency Management Service.