
Roberto Buizza at the Annual Seminar 2017

Annual Seminar explores future of ensemble prediction

More than 100 people from across the world joined ECMWF scientists and 28 speakers at the Annual Seminar on ‘Ensemble prediction: past, present and future’.

Sarah-Jane Lock

How to pin down uncertainty in weather forecasting

How can we best represent uncertainty in weather forecasting models? ECMWF scientist Sarah-Jane Lock will chart the way forward in a talk at the four-day Annual Seminar on ensemble prediction (11 to 14 September).

Adrian Simmons word cloud

Symposium to mark leading ECMWF scientist’s lifetime achievements

A symposium will be held at the Centre on 8 December 2017 to mark the decisive contributions of ECMWF scientist Adrian Simmons to numerical weather prediction and climate science.

Wave reanalysis for 2100 UTC on 20 June 1944

ECMWF simulates storm that destroyed Normandy invasion harbour

ECMWF simulations have helped to explain how a fierce storm in June 1944 destroyed one of two harbours built to support the Allied invasion of northern France in World War II.

Example forecasts from S2S database

Sub-seasonal to seasonal forecast database expands to 11 models

The multi-model sub-seasonal to seasonal (S2S) prediction database hosted by ECMWF has expanded significantly over the last two years and now includes data from 11 forecasting centres.

WMO headquarters, Geneva

WMO designates ECMWF as World Meteorological Centre

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has designated ECMWF as a World Meteorological Centre (WMC), in a clear recognition of ECMWF's global forecasting capabilities.

ECMWF Annual Report 2016 cover image

ECMWF Annual Report 2016 published

The ECMWF Annual Report 2016 is now available online.

Flooded road in Peru

ECMWF supports Peru flood response

In March 2017 ECMWF received a request to make its preciptiation forecasts available to help Peru deal with a devastating flood disaster. In line with ECMWF’s rules for the dissemination of real-time data, the Centre agreed.

Cover of ECMWF Newsletter No. 152

Summer 2017 Newsletter published

The summer 2017 issue of the ECMWF Newsletter is now available. As well as news about ECMWF staff and events, it features articles about new developments and the use that can be made of ECMWF products.

Daily mean temperature July 2010 from ERA5

Copernicus service releases powerful climate monitoring dataset

The ECMWF-run Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) has released its most powerful global climate monitoring dataset to date, known as the ERA5 climate reanalysis.