ECMWF Annual Seminar 2014 starts today

Annual Seminar 2014

ECMWF’s Annual Seminar 2014 starts today and will focus on “Use of Satellite Observations in NWP”.

Topics to be covered during the seminar will include a discussion of the value of current and forthcoming satellite observations, with particular foci both on new types of observation and on which variables are under-observed at present. The status of assimilation of cloud-affected observations and observations over land and sea ice will be represented and progress towards a fuller exploitation of the potential of the hyperspectral sounders will also be addressed.

Today’s session will deal with applications of satellite data assimilation. This will be followed by the following sessions:

  • Tuesday: NWP tools and components for satellite data assimilation and satellite instrument characterisation and re analysis
  • Wednesday: Satellite winds and satellite water vapour cloud and precipitation
  • Thursday: Satellite temperature and humidity sounding
  • Friday: Design and evaluation of the Global Observing System

The detailed programme is available.

The seminar is part of ECMWF's educational programme and is aimed at young scientists and scientists needing to update their knowledge of the use of satellite data.

Every day, we will post comments from some of our participants so watch this space.