
Hannah Cloke

Interview with Hannah Cloke

Hannah Cloke is Professor of Hydrology and Director of Hydrology Research at the University of Reading, specialising in land surface modelling, flood forecasting and catchment hydrology.

Wolfgang Wagner

Interview with Wolfgang Wagner

Wolfgang Wagner works at the Vienna University of Technology. His main research interest lies in physical modelling and geophysical parameter retrieval from active remote sensing data.

Poster for joint HEPEX and H-SAF workshop November 2014

First day of H-SAF and HEPEX workshops on coupled hydrology

ECMWF is hosting a week of presentations, poster displays and workshops.

HPC Workshop 2014

16th Workshop on High Performance Computing in Meteorology

Today is the start of the 16th Workshop on High Performance Computing in Meteorology.

Anton Beljaars photo

Anton Beljaars named as an AMS Fellow

The American Meteorological Society (AMS) has elected Dr Anton Beljaars as an AMS Fellow.

Peter Janssen photo

Peter Janssen receives prestigious Fridtjof Nansen Medal

The European Geosciences Union (EGU) has awarded Peter Janssen the Fridtjof Nansen Medal for 2015 for distinguished research in oceanography.

Newsletter 140 cover

Summer Newsletter published

The Summer 2014 issue of the ECMWF Newsletter is now available.

Plans for developing consistent climate reanalyses of the coupled Earth-system

An article describing the ECMWF strategy for climate reanalysis development has been published in the August 2014 issue of the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (BAMS).

Schematic illustration of FY-3A and B spacecraft

ECMWF starts using Chinese satellite data

Chinese satellite data to help further improve ECMWF’s atmospheric analysis

Annual Seminar posters

ECMWF Annual Seminar 2014

Understanding how satellite data contribute to improving numerical weather prediction