
Copernicus Observations Workshop registration still open

Registration for the Copernicus workshop on Climate Observation Requirements to take place at ECMWF from 29 June to 2 July remains open until 11 June.

Flooding in the Balkans

Improving cross-border management of floods – 10 years of EFAS

The European Flood Awareness System held its 10th anniversary user meeting to review its operations ten years after it started its pre-operational service.

Course explores role of physical processes in weather forecasting

The tricky but crucial question of how to model small-scale physical processes to help produce numerical forecasts is the subject of a training course being run by ECMWF from 11 to 21 May.

Newsletter 143 Spring 2015 cover

Spring newsletter published

The Spring 2015 issue of the ECMWF Newsletter is now available. As well as news about ECMWF staff and events, it features articles about new developments and the use that can be made of ECMWF products.

ECMWF launches new model cycle

ECMWF launched a new model cycle on 12 May bringing a range of improvements to its Integrated Forecasting System (IFS).

New database to shed light on sub-seasonal to seasonal predictability

ECMWF has launched a data portal for sub-seasonal to seasonal (S2S) weather forecasts to help researchers study predictability on time-scales of up to 60 days.

EC-Earth moves towards improved Earth system model

A two-day meeting of the EC-Earth consortium hosted by ECMWF has reviewed progress in developing an improved Earth system model for fresh insights into climate change.

Copernicus Workshop

Copernicus workshop focuses on climate projections

ECMWF has held the second in a series of workshops helping to shape the Copernicus Climate Change Service it is implementing on behalf of the EU.

ESCAPE project set to prepare for new era in supercomputing

Efforts to prepare forecasting systems for the exascale era of supercomputing receive a boost as the European Commission backs the 4m-euro ESCAPE project coordinated by ECMWF.

EGU General Assembly 2015 conference

ECMWF makes its mark at geosciences conference

ECMWF delegates ran a series of well-attended sessions at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly in Vienna from 12 to 17 April and used the opportunity to catch up with the work of fellow scientists.