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Revisions during 2007

Introduction of Cycle 32r2

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Visit by German State Secretary

Mr. Jörg Hennerkes, State Secretary of the German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs, visited the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) on 22 June 2007.

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RMDCN IPVPN MPLS Migration successfully completed on 18 June 2007

Another milestone in the RMDCN was reached when the IPVPN MPLS migration was successfully completed on the 18-th of June 2007.

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Inauguration of new office block

ECMWF celebrated the inauguration of the new office block at its Headquarters at Shinfield Park, Reading, on 28 June 2007.

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Dr. Anthony (Tony) Hollingsworth: 1943 - 2007

It is with great sadness that we announce the sudden death of Tony Hollingsworth, who passed away on Sunday 29th July, 2007.

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ECMWF Annual Report 2006

The Annual report is now available.

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From 29 to 31 August 2007, ECMWF hosted the third EUMETCAL Workshop.

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2007 Session of the ICG on the WMO Information System

From 4-7 September 2007 ECMWF, jointly with the UK Met Office, hosted the annual session of the Intercommission Coordination Group on the WMO Information System (WIS).

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13th ACCS session

Chaired by Jozef Roskar from Slovenia, ECMWF's Advisory Committee of Co-operating States (ACCS), on the invitation by the Director of the Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service, Ivan Cacic, held its 13th session in Zagreb (Croatia) on Friday, 26 October 2007.

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Co-operation Agreement between ECMWF and the Slovak Republic

A Co-operation Agreement between the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and the Slovak Republic was signed on 1 November 2007.