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Work on the electrical power infrastructure

Work will be done on the electrical power infrastructure at ECMWF on Thursday 8 July.

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Data assimilation and forecast model changes (Cy28r3)

The data assimilation, forecast and ensemble system used for medium-range forecasts has been upgraded successfully on 28 September 2004. At the same time the operational suite has been transferred to the IBM Phase 3 High Performance Computing Facility.

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ECMWF member of Forum

ECMWF has become a member of the Forum, a new online information service linked to the Intranet systems of the European Commission, Parliament and Council of Ministers .

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ECMWF Web Site System Sessions (Wed Aug 17 2005)

The ECMWF external web sites will not be available due to a system session to relocate web server hardware between 10:00UTC and 14:00UTC on Wednesday August 17th 2005.

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The Method of Re-analysis is advertised in the 'Parliament Magazine'

The method of Re-analysis was advertised in the 'Parliament Magazine', which is circulated bi-monthly to members of European Parliament, the EU Presidency, Council of Ministers, all European Commissioners, EU National Parliaments, and EU National Governments.

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COST Senior Officials Committee met at ECMWF premises

To mark the 30th anniversary of ECMWF, the COST Committee of Senior Officials (CSO) held its 163rd meeting at the premises of ECMWF on 23-24 November 2005.

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ECMWF History on the Web

Copies of several of these documents are now available on the web.

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ERA-40 climatological Atlas

A user friendly web-version of the ERA-40 climatological Atlas has been made available.

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ECMWF Strategy 2006-2015

Based on scientific and technical topical papers, a Strategy for ECMWF for the period 2006 to 2015 was adopted unanimously by the ECMWF Council in December 2005.

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DEMETER awarded Norbert Gerbier Mumm International Award

Dr Tim Palmer and the DEMETER team have been awarded the Norbert Gerbier Mumm International Award.