
Florence Rabier

This year will see a model upgrade and progress on machine learning, Director-General says

An upgrade of the Integrated Forecasting System to Cycle 49r1, continued progress on machine-learning forecasts, and work with our Member States on a new Strategy will take place in 2024, ECMWF Director-General Florence Rabier says.

Collage of women from ECMWF and the weather science community

International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2024

To mark the United Nations' promotion of 'full and equal access and participation for women and girls in science', we invited colleagues at ECMWF and from organisations we work most closely with to tell us more about their work.

Mariana Clare

Capturing uncertainty in forecasts based on AI

Weather forecasting is experiencing a fundamental shift by adding artificial-intelligence-based models to traditional physics-based models. Mariana Clare is one of the scientists helping ECMWF to make the most of what AI has to offer.

Photo of ocean waves

ECMWF to hold event on waves and wave-coupled processes in April

ECMWF will hold the fifth international workshop on waves and wave-coupled processes from 10 to 12 April 2024 in Reading (UK) after previous events were held in Melbourne (Australia), Qingdao (China), Guangzhou (China), and Uppsala (Sweden).

Passenger plane flying through clouds

ECMWF uses Mode-S aircraft observations again to improve forecasts

ECMWF has started to use Mode-S aircraft observations again to improve the quality of forecasts after this type of data was found to be used in too large numbers during the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

ECMWF Newsletter 178 summary image

Winter 2023/24 Newsletter published

The winter 2023/24 issue of the ECMWF Newsletter is now available. As well as news about ECMWF staff and events, it features articles about new developments and the use that can be made of ECMWF products.

Surface air temperature anomaly for 2023

2023 was the hottest year on record, Copernicus data show

High temperatures from June onwards led to 2023 becoming the warmest year on record by a large margin, close to 1.5°C above the pre-industrial level, according to the EU's Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) implemented by ECMWF.

Extract from forecast from ECMWF's experimental AIFS machine learning model

European met services pool resources to intensify use of AI in weather prediction

ECMWF’s Member States have approved two major initiatives to intensify the development, testing and implementation of machine learning across their weather forecasting chains.

News highlights 2023

News highlights of 2023

ECMWF news highlights in 2023 include a major upgrade of the forecasting system; initiatives to drive forward weather science, including developments in machine learning; and news from the EU-funded services implemented by ECMWF.

Jean-Noël Thépaut

Data assimilation and climate specialist Jean-Noël Thépaut bows out

Jean-Noël Thépaut, who started his career at ECMWF in the early 1990s and rose to become the Director of the two EU Copernicus services run at the Centre, is leaving us at the end of this year on reaching retirement age.