
Operational archive

Atmospheric model

Analysis runs for the four main synoptic hours 00, 06, 12 and 18 UTC; forecast runs out to 10 days based on the 00/12 UTC analysis forecast.

Data is produced at the surface, on model levels, pressure levels, isentropic levels and levels of equal potential vorticity.

Wave model

ECMWF's deterministic atmospheric model is coupled with a wave model allowing two-way interaction between wind and waves.


This project has ended | 

EIFFEL (Revealing the Role of GEOSS as the Default Digital Portal for Building Climate Change Adaptation & Mitigation Applications) will make it easier for the scientific community to explore and use GEOSS datasets .Added-value services interoperable with GEOSS will be designed, using cognitive search and metadata augmentation tools based on AI.

Project objectives

  • Creating AI-based cognitive search tools to exploit the untapped potential of available GEOSS datasets

Extended-range reforecasts (43R1) with bias-corrected North Atlantic sea surface temperatures

15-member coupled IFS (cycle 43R1) extended-range reforecast experiment covering the period 1989-2015 with bias-corrected sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) in the North Atlantic region. This experiment can be compared with gkzp, which is the relevant control without bias-correction. The atmosphere is configured with 91 vertical levels and uses the Tco399 cubic octahedral reduced Gaussian grid. The IFS is coupled hourly to the 75 level version of the NEMO v3.4 ocean model and the LIM2 sea-ice model, both of which use the ORCA025 tripolar grid.

Extended-range reforecasts (43R1)

15-member coupled IFS (cycle 43R1) extended-range reforecast experiment covering the period 1989-2015. The atmosphere is configured with 91 vertical levels and uses the Tco399 cubic octahedral reduced Gaussian grid. The IFS is coupled hourly to the 75 level version of the NEMO v3.4 ocean model and the LIM2 sea-ice model, both of which use the ORCA025 tripolar grid. Coupling follows the implementation used in ECMWF operational forecasts.

Ocean Reanalysis Pilot 5

An eddy-permitting ocean reanalysis spanning the period 1979–2012. Includes increased horizontal and vertical resolution, an prognostic sea-ice component, new versions of the ocean and data assimilation system, revised surface fluxes, new version and treatment of satellite sea surface height data, and assimilation of sea-ice concentration, among others.