The annual seminar on Diagnosis of models and data assimilation systems was held from 6 to 10 September 1999.
Monitoring and quality control of the operational observing system A Andersson |
Use of field data to diagnose land-surface interaction A K Betts |
Forecasting of extreme weather events H Bottger |
Diagnostic studies of the dynamical behaviour of the ECMWF model M Cullen |
Introduction to the 25th ECMWF Seminar A Hollingsworth |
Diagnosis of ocean-wave forecasting systems P A E M Janssen |
Use of tendency-balance to diagnose the performance of models and data assimilation systems E Klinker |
On North Atlantic interdecadal variability: a stochastic view M Latif |
Future satellite observations for model diagnosis and initialization P Morel |
Diagnosis of mesoscale forecasting systems T E Nordeng |
A nonlinear dynamical perspective on model error: a proposal for nonlocal stochastic- dynamic parametrisation in weather and climate prediction models T N Palmer |
Diagnosis of the performance of troposphere-middle atmosphere models A Pawson |
Synoptic-dynamic diagnosis of medium-range weather forecasts systems A Persson |
Verification of precipitation forecasts K Puri |
Use of sensitivity analysis to diagnose forecasting system performance F Rabier |
Use of single-column models and large-eddy simulations together with field data to evaluate parametrizations of atmospheric processes D A Randall |
Ensembles using multiple models and analyses D S Richardson |
Objective verification of deterministic forecasts A Simmons |
The use of satellite data to evaluate climate model simulations of the radiation budget and clouds A Slingo |
Internal diagnostics of data assimilation systems O Talagrand |