The Workshop on Using Multiprocessors in Meteorological Models was held from 3 to 6 December 1984.
Computer requirements for atmospheric modelling L Bengtsson |
The current state of meteorological modelling D M Burridge |
The multitasking spectral model at ECMWF D Dent |
Multi-Processing of Weather Models B Groscup |
(equation) measurements on the 2-cpu Cray X-mp R W Hockney |
Aspects of using Multiprocessors for meteorological modelling G-R Hoffmann |
MIMD features supported in NEC's computer systems A Iwaya |
Practical concerns in multitasking on the Cray X-MP J L Larson |
Using an IBM Multiprocessor System A L Lim |
Programming languages for multiprocessor systems R H Perrott |
MIMD processing and the Denelcor HEP D F Snelling |
Canadian Meteorological Services' Plans for Using Multi-Processor Systems A Staniforth |
Atmospheric Modeling on a SIMD Computer M J Suarez |
Fujitsu's General Experiences in Multiprocessors K Uchida |
UK Meteorological Office's plans for using multiprocessor systems P W White |