The Workshop on Planetary Boundary Layer parameterization was held from 25 to 27 November 1981.
Parameterization schemes for the planetary boundary layer. A brief review and some general remarks J C Andre |
Cloud-topped convective boundary layers. A review of recent studies P Bougeault |
Comments on the sensitivity of numerical simulations to different parametrizations of the boundary-layer properties and processes D J Carson |
Future developments at ECMWF J-F Louis |
A short history of the PBL parameterization at ECMWF J-F Louis |
75473-short-history-pbl-parameterization-ecmwf.pdf |
Turbulent flux parameterization in a regional-scale model E Muller |
Performance of the PBL parameterization in the GLAS and UCLA models D A Randall |
Assessment of the PBL flow in the EC-model M Tiedtke |
Measurements in the atmospheric boundary layer: techniques and limitation, representativeness A Weill |