ERACLIM2 M48 Review Meeting, University of Bern, 15 December 2017


This figure, from the ERA-CLIM2 Work-Package 4, shows the trends in temperature anomalies at 50 hPa from 1946 to 2010, computed from the ERA20C reanalysis (violet line, e20c), the CERA-20C control reanalysis (orange line, c20c0), the NOAA 20CR reanalysis (green line, n20c), compared with observations from radiosondes (blue line, tm) and from adjusted radiosondes (cyan line, tmcorr).

The ERA-CLIM2 M48 Review Meeting was held at the University of Bern on 15 December 2017. During the meeting, the Project Coordinator and the Work-Package Leader presented the status of the project to a representative of the European Commission and one external reviewer. Almost all deliverables have been completed (the project will finish at the end of December 2017), with the last few ones due to be finalized and submitted by the end of January 2017. The presentations given during the Review Meeting can be accessed following the links below.


Overview of project management (WP6-9)
Roberto Buizza

Report WP1
Patrick Laloyaux

Report WP2
Matthew Martin

Report WP3
Stefan Brönnimann

Report WP4
Leopold Haimberger

Report WP5
Manuel Fuentes