Search ECMWF publications

Showing 937 - 960 of 1022 results for EUMETSAT/ECMWF Fellowship Programme Research Reports
Chaim Garfinkel
Chen Schwartz
Daniela Domeisen
Seok-Woo Son
Amy Butler
Ian White
2019, Presentation, Workshop on Predictability, dynamics and applications research using the TIGGE and S2S ensembles
Mike Fisher
E. Hólm
L. Isaksen
G. Radnóti
Y. Trémolet
2005, Technical memorandum, ECMWF Technical Memoranda
Samson Hagos
Chidong Zhang
Ruby Leung
Karthik Balaguru
Casey Burleyson
2019, Presentation, Workshop on Predictability, dynamics and applications research using the TIGGE and S2S ensembles
T. Jung
P. Berrisford
Carla Cardinali
Franco Molteni
Roberto Buizza
Anotonio Garcia-Mendez
Philippe Lopez
Y. Trémolet
2010, Technical memorandum, ECMWF Technical Memoranda
F.J. Doblas-Reyes
J.C. Navarro
L. Batté
D. Volpi
M. Acosta
O. Bellprat
R. Bilbao
M. Castrillo
N. Fučkar
V. Guemas
Ll. Lledó
M. Ménégoz
K. Serradell
O. Tintó
A. Ceglar
R. Haarsma
F. Massonet
2018, Newsletter Feature Article, ECMWF Newsletter
Daniel Collins
Sarah Strazzo
Emerson LaJoie
Emily Becker
Jon Gottschalck
2019, Presentation, Workshop on Predictability, dynamics and applications research using the TIGGE and S2S ensembles
D. Koch
R. Laviolette
P. Caldwell
K. Evans
M. Gunzburger
R. Jacob
P. Jones
L. Ju
E. Ng
S. Price
P. Rasch
T. Ringler
A. Salinger
J. Tang
M. Taylor
A. Turner
H. Wan
2018, Presentation, Physics Dynamics Coupling (PDC18) workshop
Duane Waliser
Michael DeFlorio
Martin Ralph
Bin Guan
Aneesh Subramanian
Alexander Goodman
Alexander Gershunov
Shakeel Asharaf
Kristen Guirguis
Hai Lin
Arun Kumar
Peter Gibson
Luca Monache
Zhenhai Zhang
2019, Presentation, Workshop on Predictability, dynamics and applications research using the TIGGE and S2S ensembles
Andrea Manrique-Suñén
Llorenç Lledó
Verónica Torralba
Hannah Bloomfield
Paula González
Andrew Charlton-Perez
David Brayshaw
Nicola Cortesi
Jaume Gamón
Nube González-Reviriego
Martí Badal
Pierre-Antoine Bretonniere
Lluis Palma
Ilaria Vigo
Isadora Christel
Albert Soret
Francisco Doblas-Reyes
2019, Presentation, Workshop on Predictability, dynamics and applications research using the TIGGE and S2S ensembles
A. Hollingsworth
1998, Conference Paper, Eighth ECMWF Workshop on the Use of Parallel Processors in Meteorology, 16-20 November 1998. Towards Teracomputing. Ed. by W. Zwieflhofer and N. Kreitz. Singapore: World Scientific, 1999, Workshop on the Use of Parallel Processors in Meteorology
Roberto Buizza
M. Sleigh
2017, Technical memorandum, ECMWF Technical Memoranda
J.-J. Morcrette
O. Boucher
Luke Jones
Deborah Salmond
Anton Beljaars
Axel Bonet
J. Kaiser
M.G. Schulz
S. Serrar
M. Sofiev
Martin Suttie
A.M. Tompkins
A. Untch
the team
2008, Technical memorandum, ECMWF Technical Memoranda
Georg Lentze
2018, Newsletter, ECMWF Newsletter
T.N. Palmer
Roberto Buizza
Renate Hagedorn
T. Jung
J. Berner
E. Hágel
A.R. Lawrence
Y-Y. Park
L von Bremen
I Gilmour
2007, Technical memorandum, ECMWF Technical Memoranda
M. Hamrud
2010, Technical memorandum, ECMWF Technical Memoranda