Search ECMWF publications

Showing 4489 - 4512 of 8355 results
J. Simoes
A. Monteiro
A. Amorim
2007, Presentation
B Niedermoser
M Ungersbock
A Ohms
M Staudinger
2007, Presentation
A. Lasserre-Bigorry
M-F. Voidrot
2007, Presentation
Crtistina Prates
Cihan Sahin
A.R. Lawrence
C. Gibert
K Bovis
2007, Presentation
A. Shimpo
H Kamahori
R Kumabe
I. Ishikawa
T Tokuhiro
S Yabu
A. Shimpo
H. Sato
Motoyama. T
Y Naruse
Y. Takaya
T Soga
H Mori
2007, Presentation
A.J. Illingworth
E. O'Connor
D. Bouniol
M. Brooks
J. Delanoë
D. Donovan
J. Eastment
N. Gaussiat
J. Goddard
M. Haeffelin
Klein Baltink
O. Krasnov
J. Pelon
J.-M. Piriou
A. Protat
H. Russchenberg
A. Seifert
A.M. Tompkins
G.-J. van Zadelhoff
F. Vinit
C. Westbrook
U. Willén
D. Wilson
C. Wrench
2007, Conference Paper, ECMWF Workshop on Parametrization of clouds in large-scale models, 13-15 November 2006
P.L. Houtekamer
M. Charron
H. Mitchell
G. Pellerin
2007, Conference Paper, ECMWF Workshop on Ensemble Prediction, 7 - 9 November 2007