Search ECMWF publications

Showing 361 - 384 of 1022 results for EUMETSAT/ECMWF Fellowship Programme Research Reports
A. Betts
P. Viterbo
Anton Beljaars
1999, Report, ERA Report
Various Authors
2001, Conference Paper, Workshop on Re-analysis, 5-9 November 2001, ERA-40 Project Report Series No. 3
J. Kaiser
A. Hollingsworth
J-C. Calvet
M. Leroy
Marek Tinz
Yves Desaubies
2006, Report, Harmonised coordination of Atmosphere, Land and Ocean integrated projects of the
P.W. Kållberg
2011, Report, ERA Report Series, ERA Report
A. Dethof
2002, Report, ERA-40 Project Report Series, ERA Report
Di Michele
2010, Report, WP-3300 Report for ESA contract 1-5576/07/NL/CB: Project QuARL - Quantitative Assessment of the Operational Value of Space-Borne Radar and Lidar Measurements of Cloud and Aerosol Profiles, ESA Contract Report
D.P. Dee
S. Uppala
P. Berrisford
P. Poli
S. Kobayashi
U. Andrae
Anton Beljaars
L. van de Berg
C. Delsol
Rossana Dragani
L. Haimberger
Sean Healy
Hans Hersbach
E. Hólm
L. Isaksen
P.W. Kållberg
M. Köhler
Marco Matricardi
A. McNally
B.M. Monge-Sanz
J.-J. Morcrette
C. Peubey
C. Tavolato
2011, Report, ERA Report Series, ERA Report
O. Stiller
S. Di Michele
J. Delanoë
2009, Report, WP-2100 Report for ESA contract 1-5576/07/NL/CB: Project QuARL - Quantitative Assessment of the Operational Value of Space-Borne Radar and Lidar Measurements of Cloud and Aerosol Profiles, ESA Contract Report
J.-J. Morcrette
Luke Jones
2009, Report, WP-2200 Report for ESA contract 1-5576/07/NL/CB: Project QuARL - Quantitative Assessment of the Operational Value of Space-Borne Radar and Lidar Measurements of Cloud and Aerosol Profiles, ESA Contract Report
S. Di Michele
2009, Report, WP-1000 Report for ESA contract 1-5576/07/NL/CB: Project QuARL - Quantitative Assessment of the Operational Value of Space-Borne Radar and Lidar Measurements of Cloud and Aerosol Profiles, ESA Contract Report
S. Di Michele
Edouard Martins
2014, Report, WP-2100 Report: ESA ESTEC Contract AO/I-6441/10/NL/CB, ESA Contract Report
S. Di Michele
Edouard Martins
2014, Report, WP-2200 Report: ESA ESTEC Contract AO/I-6441/10/NL/CB, ESA Contract Report
J. Kaiser
A. Heil
M.G. Schultz
S. Remy
O. Stein
G. van der Werf
M. Wooster
W. Xu
2013, Technical memorandum, ECMWF Technical Memoranda
S. Hirahara
Eric de Boisseson
Hans Hersbach
2016, Report, ERA Report Series, ERA Report
Angeles Hernandez
G.A. Kelly
S. Uppala
2004, Report, ERA-40 Project Report Series, ERA Report