Search ECMWF publications

Showing 1129 - 1152 of 8322 results
Rachel Honnert
2017, Presentation, Workshop on shedding light on the greyzone
Stephan de Roode
Pier Siebesma
Harm Jonker
2017, Presentation, Workshop on shedding light on the greyzone
Michael Whitall
Alison Stirling
Kirsty Hanley
2017, Presentation, Workshop on shedding light on the greyzone
Piet Termonia
J.-F. Geleyn
L. Gerard
R. Brožková
D. Banciu
J.-M Piriou
I.-B. Ďurán
Filip Vána
B. Catry
D. Degrauwe
M. Vanginderachter
R. De Troch
P. De Meutter
N. Pristov
2017, Presentation, Workshop on shedding light on the greyzone
George Efstathiou
R.S. Plant
M.M. Bopape
R. Beare
2017, Presentation, Workshop on shedding light on the greyzone
Zbigniew Piotrowski
2017, Presentation, Workshop on shedding light on the greyzone
Mirjana Sakradzija
Cathy Hohenegger
Daniel Klocke
2017, Presentation, Workshop on shedding light on the greyzone
Alan Hally
Rónán Darcy
Colm Clancy
Eoin Whelan
2017, Presentation, Workshop on shedding light on the greyzone
Valéry Masson
2017, Presentation, Workshop on shedding light on the greyzone
Annelize van Niekerk
Simon Vosper
Andy Elvidge
2017, Presentation, Workshop on shedding light on the greyzone
Patrick Samuelsson
2017, Presentation, Workshop on shedding light on the greyzone
Oliver Fuhrer
M. Arpagaus
J.-M. Bettems
S. Böing
B. Goger
T. Gysi
D. Leuenberger
X. Lapillonne
G. de Morsier
C. Osuna
M. Rotach
J. Schmidli
P. Steiner
T. Schulthess
Andre Walser
2017, Presentation, Workshop on shedding light on the greyzone
Alex Reinecke
Kevin Viner
Sasa Gabersk
Matus Martini
James Doyle
John Mickalakes
Frank Giraldo
2017, Presentation, Workshop on shedding light on the greyzone
Ben Shipway
2017, Presentation, Workshop on shedding light on the greyzone
A. Collard
Reime Eresmaa
Hyoung-Wook Chun
Kozo Okamoto
Ben Ruston
Régis Borde
Stefano Migliorin
Isabel Trigo
Nadia Fourrié
Sophie Vandenbussche
Robin Faulwetter
Kristin Raykova
Kirsti Salonen
E. Pavelin
Rossana Dragani
Tony McNally
Julie Letertre-Danczak
Stephen English
Pete Weston
2017, Presentation, ECMWF/EUMETSAT NWP-SAF