Search ECMWF publications

Showing 3913 - 3936 of 8355 results
E. Jäger
S. Seneviratne
2009, Conference Paper, ECMWF / GLASS Workshop on Land Surface Modelling and Data Assimilation and the implications for predictability, 9-12 November 2009
Eugenia Kalnay
S.-C. Yang
T. Miyoshi
H.-Y Li
J. Liu
2009, Conference Paper, ECMWF Workshop on Diagnostics of data assimilation system performance, 15 - 17 June 2009
Y.F. Kerr
F. Cabot
P. Richaume
P. Waldteufel
J.-P. Wigneron
A. Hahne
S. Mecklenburg
2009, Conference Paper, ECMWF / GLASS Workshop on Land Surface Modelling and Data Assimilation and the implications for predictability, 9-12 November 2009
Sandor Kertész
2009, Conference Paper, Twelfth Workshop on Meteorological Operational Systems, 2-6 November 2009
N.P. Klingaman
H. Weller
S.J. Woolnough
P. Inness
J.M. Slingo
2009, Conference Paper, ECMWF Workshop on Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions, 10-12 November 2008
Hannah Cloke
J. Thielen
S. Nobert
G. Balint
C. Edlund
A Koistinen
C de Saint-Aubin
E Sprokkereef
C. Viel
P. Salamon
Roberto Buizza
2009, Newsletter Feature Article, ECMWF Newsletter
L. von Bremen
S. Wanzong
M. Hortal
Deborah Salmond
2009, Newsletter Feature Article, ECMWF Newsletter
A. Orr
J.J. Morcette
Johannes Flemming
2009, Newsletter Feature Article, ECMWF Newsletter
J.W. Kaiser
O. Boucher
M. Doutriax-Boucher
Johannes Flemming
Y. Govaerts
J. Gulliver
A. Heil
Luke Jones
A. Lattanzio
J.J. Morcette
M. Perrone
G. Roberts
M. Schultz
M. Suttie
M.J. Wooster
2009, Newsletter Feature Article, ECMWF Newsletter
S. Uppala
2009, Newsletter Feature Article, ECMWF Newsletter
F. Doblas-Reyes
2009, Newsletter Feature Article, ECMWF Newsletter
G. Broström
A. Carrasco
B. Hackett
Ø. Sætra
2009, Newsletter Feature Article, ECMWF Newsletter
S. Bélair
Marco Carrera
B. Bilodeau
S.J. Solomon
N.B. Bernier
S. Leroyer
L.Y. Tong
C. Derksen
L. Wang
D. Chan
2009, Conference Paper, ECMWF / GLASS Workshop on Land Surface Modelling and Data Assimilation and the implications for predictability, 9-12 November 2009