Search ECMWF publications

Showing 97 - 120 of 531 results
2004, Conference Paper, Seminar on Recent developments in numerical methods for atmospheric and ocean modelling, 6-10 September 2004
U. Andrae
N. Sokka
K. Onogi
2004, Report, ERA-40 Project Report Series, ERA Report
J-C. Andre
1994, Conference Paper, Seminar on Parametrization of Sub-grid Scale Physical Processes, 5-9 September 1994
P. Antonelli
2004, Conference Paper, ECMWF Workshop on Assimilation of high spectral resolution sounders in NWP, 28 June - 1 July 2004
F. Atger
N. Girardot
2004, Conference Paper, Ninth Workshop on Meteorological Operational Systems. 10-14 November 2003
T. Auligne
2004, Conference Paper, ECMWF Workshop on Assimilation of high spectral resolution sounders in NWP, 28 June - 1 July 2004
M. Baldauf
2004, Conference Paper, Seminar on Recent developments in numerical methods for atmospheric and ocean modelling, 6-10 September 2004
S.P. Ballard
M.G. Hutchinson
1994, Conference Paper, ECMWF/GEWEX Workshop on Validation and Assimilation of Clouds, 31 October to 4 November 1994
S.R.M. Barros
D. Dent
L. Isaksen
G. Robinson
G.R. Hoffmann
N. Kreitz
1994, Book Chapter, Coming of Age. Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on the Use of Parallel Processors in Meteorology, ECMWF, Workshop on the Use of Parallel Processors in Meteorology
Anton Beljaars
M. Köhler
J.-J. Morcrette
A.M. Tompkins
P. Viterbo
2004, Conference Paper, Seminar on Recent developments in numerical methods for atmospheric and ocean modelling, 6-10 September 2004
Anton Beljaars
1994, Conference Paper, Seminar on Parametrization of Sub-grid Scale Physical Processes, 5-9 September 1994
L. Bengtsson
1981, Conference Paper, Seminar on Problems and Prospects in Long and Medium Range Weather Forecasts, 14-18 September 1981
L. Bengtsson
M. Kanamitsu
P.W. Kållberg
S. Uppala
1981, Conference Paper, Seminar on Problems and Prospects in Long and Medium Range Weather Forecasts, 14-18 September 1981
A. Betts
J.H. Ball
P. Viterbo
A. Dai
J. Marengo
2004, Report, ERA-40 Project Report Series, ERA Report
L. Bonaventura
2004, Conference Paper, ECMWF/SPARC Workshop on Modelling and Assimilation for the Stratosphere and Tropopause, 23 to 26 June 2003
L. Bonaventura
2004, Conference Paper, Seminar on Recent developments in numerical methods for atmospheric and ocean modelling, 6-10 September 2004
Sean Healy
Marco Matricardi
F. Chevallier
2004, Conference Paper, ECMWF Workshop on Assimilation of high spectral resolution sounders in NWP, 28 June - 1 July 2004
Peter Janssen
2004, Conference Paper, Seminar on Recent developments in numerical methods for atmospheric and ocean modelling, 6-10 September 2004