Search ECMWF publications

Showing 169 - 192 of 219 results
Georg Lentze
2022, Newsletter, ECMWF Newsletter
2022, Report, Contract Report for ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG
2022, Report, Contract Report for ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG
2022, Report, Contract Report for ESA SMOS ESL contract 4000130567/20/I-BG
Mike Fisher
C. Jakob
G.A. Kelly
F. Lalaurette
A. McNally
A. Untch
P. Viterbo
2000, Technical memorandum, ECMWF Technical Memoranda
J. Gibson
2000, Report, ERA-40 Project Report Series, ERA Report
J.M. Slingo
M. Blackburn
J. Thuburn
L. Steeyman-Clark
R. Brugge
B.J. Hoskins
1992, Conference Paper, Seminar on Validation of models over Europe, 7-11 September 1992
L.G. Margolin
2000, Conference Paper, Workshop on Developments in Numerical Methods for Very High resolution global models, 5-7 June 2000
W.F. Spotz
2000, Conference Paper, Workshop on Developments in Numerical Methods for Very High resolution global models, 5-7 June 2000
G.L. Stephens
P. Gabriel
D. Vane
2000, Conference Paper, ECMWF/EuroTRMM Workshop on the Assimilation of Clouds and Precipitation, 6-9 November 2000
A. Stoffelen
2000, Conference Paper, Exploitation of the New Generation of Satellite Instruments for Numerical Weather Prediction, 4-8 September 2000
B. Strauss
A. Lanzinger
1992, Conference Paper, Seminar on Validation of models over Europe, 7-11 September 1992
O. Talagrand
1992, Conference Paper, Workshop on Variational Assimilation, with special emphasis on Three-dimensional Aspects, 9-12 November 1992
J. Tan
C.L. Wilson
2000, Conference Paper, ECMWF/EuroTRMM Workshop on the Assimilation of Clouds and Precipitation, 6-9 November 2000
J.P. Taylor
Roberto Buizza
2000, Technical memorandum, ECMWF Technical Memoranda
C. Temperton
2000, Conference Paper, Workshop on Developments in Numerical Methods for Very High resolution global models, 5-7 June 2000
J. Testud
S. Oury
E. LeBouar
T. Keenan
F. Marks
2000, Conference Paper, ECMWF/EuroTRMM Workshop on the Assimilation of Clouds and Precipitation, 6-9 November 2000
A.J. Thorpe
1992, Conference Paper, Seminar on Validation of models over Europe, 7-11 September 1992