ECMWF/GLASS Workshop on Land Surface Modelling, Data Assimilation and the implications for predictability

The ECMWF/GLASS Workshop on Land Surface Modelling, Data Assimilation and the implications for predictability was held from 9 to 12 November 2009.


About 50 leading scientist from outside ECMWF participated in the workshop on "Land Surface Modelling, Data Assimilation and the Implications for Predictability", which took place from 9-12 November. The workshop was organized in cooperation with the Global Land/Atmosphere System Study (GLASS), which is part of the WCRP/GEWEX (World Climate Research Project/ Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment). The workshop had two and a half days of presentations and posters followed by one day of working group meetings and a plenary discussion. In the talks and posters, recent research was reviewed on land atmosphere modelling, land data assimilation, new observations (e.g. SMOS), and on the role of soil moisture and snow in predictability in the sub-seasonal time range. Also the role of verification and benchmarking was discussed. It was clear that a wide range of processes are relevant e.g. soil hydrology, soil heat transfer, snow processes, lake evaporation, interaction with the water table, vegetation activity, carbon fluxes, terrain heterogeneity and interaction with the boundary layer.

Given the wider range of subprocesses, the working groups were asked to make recommendations on priorities for further research at ECMWF and in the GLASS community. The workshop particularly endorsed the Centre's plans for further integration of the atmospheric model and the land data assimilation system and the use of new soil moisture related observations (e.g. SMOS). Reports on the working group discussions are in preparation and will be published in proceedings together with short papers on the individual contributions.


PDF iconContents and introduction

PDF iconAnnex I: Participants

PDF iconAnnex II: Programme


Monday 9 November  

Welcome and Opening

Erland Källén (ECMWF)

Session 1: Land surface modelling and applications

Land surface modelling in NWP at ECMWF

Gianpaolo Balsamo (ECMWF)

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Land carbon and vegetation models at LSCE

Philippe Peylin and Philippe Ciais (LSCE)

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The ALMIP experience: implications for land - atmosphere coupled systems

Aaron Boone (Météo-France)

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The SNOW-MIP2 experience: implications for NWP snow schemes

Richard Essery (University of Edinburgh)

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River rooting models to support NWP verification

Florian Pappenberger (ECMWF)

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The role of terrestrial routing processes and shallow groundwater in land-atmosphere coupling

David Gochis (NCAR)

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The PILPS-Urban experience: implications for introducing a urban tile in NWP models

Sue Grimmond (King’s College)

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Land surface models benchmarking: offline validation and verification in NWP

Martin Best (Met Office)

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Session 2: Land surface data assimilation

Advances in land data assimilation at ECMWF

Patricia de Rosnay (ECMWF)

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Advances in land data assimilation at Météo-France

Jean-François Mahfouf (Météo-France)

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Snow data assimilation system with Kalman filtering

Andrew Slater (NSIDC)

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Tuesday 10 November  

Advances in land data assimilation at NASA

Rolf Reichle (NASA)

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Advances in land data assimilation at Environment Canada

Stéphane Bélair (CMC)

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Development of LDAS Coupled with Atmospheric Models by CEOP

Souhail Boussetta (ECMWF) and Toshio Koike (University of Tokyo)

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Session 3: Observation for terrestrial surfaces

ESA’s Living Planet Programme and Earth Explorer 7 Candidates

Matthias Drusch and Mark Drinkwater (ESA)

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Land surface observations: requirements for operational NWP in data assimilation and verification

Pedro Viterbo (IM)

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Satellite data products suitable for land surface analyses

Matthias Drusch (ESA)

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The SMOS satellite mission

Yann Kerr (CESBIO)

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Snow products for assimilation and verification

Debbie Clifford (NCEO/University of Reading)

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The LANDFLUX project

Carlos Jimenez (LERMA) and Catherine Prigent (LSCE)

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Use of eddy covariance data from FLUXNET for parameter estimation and model evaluation

Nuno Carvalhais and Markus Reichstein (MPI-BGC Jena)

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Wednesday 11 November  
Session 4: Contribution of land surface to predictability

The contribution of the land surface to predictability in the ECMWF seasonal prediction system: The European summer 2003 case

Antje Weisheimer (ECMWF)

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The GLACE-2 experiment

Randy Koster (GSFC)

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The EC-Earth modelling challenges

Bart van den Hurk (KNMI)

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Land surface predictability in Europe: Extremes and trends

Eric Jäger and Sonia Seneviratne (ETH)

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Importance of snow initial condition in seasonal forecasting

Hervé Douville (Météo-France)

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Impact of snow cover on the Northern Hemisphere winter circulation

Yvan Orsolini (NILU)

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Thursday 12 November  
WG1: Modelling -
WG2: Data Assimilation -
WG3: Observations and Verification -
WG4: Predictability -

Working groups

PDF iconWorking group reports


Poster session I  

Benchmarking the JULES model for assessment of performance at the global scale

Eleanor Blyth (CEH)


Impact of the FSU/COAPS Soil Moisture Initialization to Subseasonal Forecast Skill

Marie Boisserie (FSU)

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New soil physical properties implemented in the Unified Model

Imtiaz Dharssi (Met Office)

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Snow modelling in EC-EARTH

Emmanuel Dutra (University of Lisbon)

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Land-Hydrology Modeling at NCEP

Michael Ek (NCEP/EMC)

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The improvement of phenology module for summer green tree in CLM3.5-DGVM using MODIS LAI

Young-Hee Lee (KNU Korea)


TEB - an urban canopy model for meteorological applications and weather forecasting

Aude Lemonsu (Météo-France)


Soil freezing in a SVAT

Nicola Loglisci (ARPA)

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Coupling the lake model FLAKE to CLM

Gabriel Rooney (Met Office)

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Land surface - atmosphere coupling strength in GCMs: the impact of soil physics

Anne Verhoef (University of Reading)

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Radiative transfer model intercomparison for PILPS

Jean-Luc Widlowsky (JRC)

Poster session II: Data Assimilation and Systems  

A global analysis of the soil moisture using model, multi- spectral satellite data, and in situ observations

Filipe Aires (CNRS/IPSL)

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The Global Land Data Assimilation System

Rasmus Houborg (NASA GSFC)

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A comparison of land surface temperatures to observations

Carlos Jimenez (LSCE)


Use of inverse modeling and posterior inference tools for land surface modeling and data assimilation within the NASA Land Information System (LIS)

Sujay Kumar (NASA GSFC)

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ECMWF contribution to SMOS

Joaquín Muñoz Sabater (ECMWF)

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Coupled assimilation of in situ flux measurements and satellite FAPAR time series within the Orchidee biosphere model: constraints and potentials

Catherine Ottlé and C Bacour (LSCE)


Using satellite-derived snow cover data to implement a snow analysis in the Met Office global NWP model

Sam Pullen (Met Office)

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Data Assimilation in a soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer model using a filtering framework

Marc Ridler (University of Copenhagen)


Land-atmosphere coupling studies using the LIS-WRF system

Joe Santanello (NASA GSFC)

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Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics Land Surface Forecast System

Linying Tong and Stephane Belair (Environment Canada)

Poster session III: Predictability and carbon  

Monitoring soil and vegetation fluxes of carbon and water at the global scale: the land carbon core information service of geoland2

Jean-Christophe Calvet (CNRM)


A 13-y high-resolution climatology of biophysical variables over France with the ISBA-A-gs model

Sébastien Lafont (CNRM)


Brightening and Dimming?

Ryan Teuling (ETH)


GLACE2 analyses for Europe

Bart van den Hurk (KNMI)

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Coupled assimilation of in situ flux measurements and satellite fAPAR time series within the ORCHIDEE biosphere model: constraints and potentials

C Bacour

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Recent advances in land surface modelling at ECMWF

G Balsamo

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A set of benchmarks tests for JULES

E Blyth

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The ALMIP experience: implications for land-atmosphere coupled systems

A Boone

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Overview on the development of LDAS coupled with atmospheric model for better hydro- meteorological predictions and validation by CEOP

S Boussetta

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Advances in land data assimilation at Environment Canada

S Bélair

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Monitoring soil and vegetation fluxes of carbon and water at the global scale: the land carbon core information service of GEOLAND2

J-C Calvet

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Considerations on eddy-covariance data from FLUXNET in model-data fusion and data-assimilation

N Carvalhais

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Snow products for assimilation and verification

D Clifford

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Best New soil physical properties implemented in the Unified Model

I Dharssi

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Importance of snow initial condition in seasonal forecasting

H Douville

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Snow in EC-EARTH

E Dutra

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Land-hydrology modeling at NCEP

M Ek

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SNOW-MIP2: implications for NWP snow schemes

R Essery

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The role of terrestrial routing processes and shallow groundwater in land-atmosphere coupling

D Gochis

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The PILPS-Urban experience: implications for introducing a urban tile in NWP models

C S B Grimmond

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Highlights of the Global Land Data Assimilation System

R Houborg

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The LandFLUX project

C Jimenez

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A comparison of satellite, modeled, and in situ land surface temperatures: global analysis for selected months in 2003

C Jimenez

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Land surface predictability in Europe: Extremes and trends

E Jäger

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SMOS: first in flight results

Y F Kerr

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The GLACE-2 experiment

R D Koster

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Development of Optimization and posterior inference tools in NASA Land Information System (LIS)

S Kumar

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Improvement of the phenology module for summer green tree in Community Land Model 3.5-Dynamic Global Vegetation Model (CLM3.5-DGVM) using MODIS LAI

Y H Lee

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TEB : an urban canopy model for meteorological applications and weather forecasting

A Lemonsu

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Soil freezing in a LSPM SVAT scheme

N Loglisci

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Advances in land data assimilation at Météo-France

J-F Mahfouf

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Implementation of SMOS data monitoring in the ECMWF Integrated Forecast System

J Muñoz Sabater

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Impact of Eurasian snow cover on the northern hemisphere winter circulation

Y J Orsolini

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River routing models to support NWP evaluation

F Pappenberger

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Using satellite-derived snow cover data to implement a snow analysis in the Met Office global NWP model

S Pullen

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Advances in land data assimilation at NASA

R H Reichle

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Coupling the lake model FLake to the JULES land-surface scheme

G G Rooney

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A modeling and observational framework for diagnosing local land-atmosphere coupling on diurnal time scales

J A Santanello Jr.

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Snow data assimilation

A G Slater

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The EC-Earth modelling challenges

B Van den Hurk

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Land surface - atmosphere coupling strength in the Hadley Centre GCM: the impact of soil physics

P L Vidale

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The contribution of the land surface to predictability in the ECMWF seasonal prediction system: The European summer 2003 case

A Weisheimer

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Advances in land data assimilation at ECMWF

P de Rosnay

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