Workshop on Atmosphere-Ocean Interaction

The Workshop on Atmosphere-Ocean Interaction was held from 10 to 12 November 2008.


The workshop addressed the requirements for ocean-atmosphere coupling from the very short time scales to the monthly time range with focus on ocean near-surface processes.

Questions discussed included:

  • Which processes need to be taken into account e.g. ocean waves, currents, diurnal cycle of SST, ocean mixed layer dynamics, horizontal resolution of SST?
  • What is the impact of air-sea processes on atmospheric phenomena (including extreme events) e.g. tropical cyclones, extra-tropical explosive genesis, monsoons, MJO?
  • Which models are the most appropriate at different time scales, and what are the implications for seamless forecasting?


PDF iconContents, introduction and working group reports

PDF iconParticipants

PDF iconProgramme



Capabilities of ocean mixed layer models

Bill Large (NCAR)

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Review of air-sea transfer processes

James Edson (University of Connecticut)

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Effects of transfer processes on the marine atmospheric boundary layer

Anne-Sofi Smedman (University of Uppsala)

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Observations and modeling of SST influence on surface winds

Dudley Chelton (Oregon State University)


Atmosphere-ocean interaction through waves

Peter Janssen (ECMWF)

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Relevance of currents for atmosphere-ocean coupling

Hans Hersbach (ECMWF)

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Stokes/Coriolis forcing

Stephen Belcher (University of Reading)

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Air-sea processes in the Indian Ocean- intraseasonal oscillation

Jean-Philippe Duvel (LMD)

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Cross-scale air sea interaction

Chidong Zhang (RSMAS University of Miami)

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Impact/Modelling: Short-Medium range  

Impact of ocean-atmosphere coupling on tropical cyclones

Isaac Ginis (University of Rhode Island)

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Impact of forcing/coupling on atmospheric and oceanic forecasts

Hervé Giordani (Météo-France)

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Impact of air-sea interaction on extra-tropical cyclones

Ola Persson (NOAA/ETL)

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Impact of sea-ice

Ruediger Gerdes (A Wegener Institute)

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Impact of air-sea interaction on tropical/extratropical transition of tropical cyclones

Sarah Jones (University of Karlsruhe)

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Impact/Modelling: Extended range  

Air-sea interaction in seasonal forecasts: some outstanding issues

Magdalena Balmaseda (ECMWF)

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Coupling issues in monthly forecasting

Frederic Vitart (ECMWF)

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Coupled simulations of the Indian monsoon intraseasonal oscillation using a fine-resolution mixed-layer ocean

Nicholas Klingaman (University of Reading)


On a revised ocean-atmosphere physical coupling interface and about technical coupling software

Sophie Valcke (CERFACS)

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Air-sea interaction in seasonal forecasts: some outstanding issues

M A Balmaseda

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Surface wave processes in air-sea interaction

S E Belcher

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Observations and modeling of SST influence on surface winds

D B Chelton

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Air-sea processes in the Indian Ocean and the intraseasonal oscillation

J P Duvel

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Review of air-sea transfer processes

J B Edson

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Impact of sea-ice

R Gerdes

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Atmosphere-ocean coupling on tropical cyclones

I Ginis

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Impact of forcing/coupling on atmospheric and oceanic forecasts

H Giordani

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The relevance of ocean surface current in the ECMWF analysis and forecast system

H Hersbach

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Air-sea interaction through waves

P A E M Janssen

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The impact of air-sea interaction on the extratropical transition of tropical cyclones

S Jones

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Coupled simulations of the Indian monsoon intraseasonal oscillation using a fine-resolution mixed-layer ocean model

N P Klingaman

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Capabilities of ocean mixed layer models

W G Large

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Impact of air-sea interactions on extra-tropical cyclones

P O Persson

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Effects of transfer processes on the marine atmospheric boundary layer

A-S Smedman

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On a revised ocean-atmosphere physical coupling interface and about technical coupling software

S Valcke

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Coupling issues in monthly forecasting

F Vitart

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Cross-scale air sea interaction in the tropics related to the MJO

C Zhang

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