Workshop on Re-analysis

The Workshop on Re-analysis was held at ECMWF from 5 to 9 November 2001.


Reanalysis products from NCEP, NASA and ECMWF have been widely used and continue to be used in a large number of scientific applications. The current ECMWF reanalysis ERA-40 has been designed taking into account the main areas of criticism concerning the ERA-15 analyses and also, before production, the expert opinions of an External Scientific Advisory Group. Extensive tests were carried out with the proposed system over limited periods before it was accepted for production.

The workshop was both active and innovative, resulting in changes to the use of radiances in ERA-40. The effects of the changes benefit in particular the quality of analyses of the global hydrological cycle and of temperature over polar regions for the rest of the production and in a possible rerun. Among the discussions a strong view was expressed for a wider and easier access tot he ERA-40 data for the worldwide research community, which in itself is a positive quality statement by the users.


PDF iconIntroduction and working group reports


Using ERA-40 products to verify and improve the Met Office climate model

R P Allan

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Upper stratospheric analysis: rocketsonde validation and SPARC perspective

M P Baldwin

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River basin budgets from ERA40

A K Betts

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ERA-40 representation of the arctic atmospheric moisture budget

D H Bromwich

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Comparative assessment of ERA-40 wave data

S Caires

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Cloud evaluation using satellite observations

F Chevallier

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Analysis and forecasts of tropical cyclones in the ECMWF 40-year reanalysis (ERA-40)

M Fiorino

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Climate and surface mass balance of the Polar ice sheets in ERA40/ERA15

C Genthon

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Validation of precipitation from ERA40 and an ECHAM4.5 simulation nudged with ERA40 data

S Hagemann

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Fit of ERA-40 analyses to observations

L Haimberger

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ERA-40 observation system: TOVS/ATOVS

A Hernandez

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Feature based analysis of re-analysis and AMIP II integrations

K I Hodges

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Assimilation of ERS-1 and ERS-2 scatterometer wind data in ERA-40

L Isaksen

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The preparation of global observations for reanalysis

R Jenne

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An overview of the ERA-40 analyses

P Kallberg

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NCEP Reanalysis Status and US National Reanalysis Program Plan

M Kanamitsu

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Assimilation of TOVS/VTPR/SSMI radiances and use of Australian surface PAOBs

G Kelly

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Data services for ERA-40

D Marbouty

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Japanese reanalysis JRA-25 plan

K Onogi

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Radiosonde temperature bias-correction in ERA-40

K Onogi

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Development of a European multi-model ensemble system for seasonal to interannual prediction

T N Palmer

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HadISST1 and the Reynolds et al analysis

N Rayner

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DAO status and plans for reanalysis

R Rood

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Merging of the observation sources

S Saarinen

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Representation of Arctic precipitation in ERA-40

M Serreze

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Development of the ERA-40 data-assimilation system

A J Simmons

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PROMISE (Predictability and variability of monsoons, and the agricultural and hydrological impacts of climate change)

J Slingo

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Preliminary evaluation of vertically-integrated fluxes of moisture and energy from ERA-40

K E Trenberth

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The stratosphere in ERA-40

A Untch

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ECMWF ReAnalysis 1957-2001, ERA-40

S Uppala

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An overview of the surface in ERA-40

P Viterbo

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NCEP/NCAR reanalysis observation reformatting for ERA-40

J Woollen

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Reprocessing of atmospheric motion vectors from Meteosat image data

L van de Berg

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