Workshop on Parametrization of the Cloud Topped Boundary layer

The Workshop on Parametrization of the Cloud Topped Boundary layer was held from 8 to 11 June 1993.

Working groups

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Maritime and continental stratocumulus

B Albrecht

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Short-range forecasting of stratocumulus: initialization v prediction

S Ballard

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Modelling of stratiform cloudiness and precipitation in mesoscale and large scale models

P Bechtold

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Mixing line parametrizations for cloudy boundary layers

A Betts

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Marine boundary layer dynamics during ASTEX

C Bretherton

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Large eddy simulation of roll structures in the marine boundary layer

A Chlond

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Large eddy simulation of marine stratocumulus clouds with explicit microphysics

W Cotton

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E-e turbulence closure study of diurnal variation in a stratocumulus-capped marine boundary layer

P G Duynkerke

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Parametrization of the cloud topped boundary layer: aircraft measurements

D W Johnson

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Radiation and cloud physical aspects of boundary-layer clouds

P R Jonas

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Analysis and diagnostics of the ECMWF model during ASTEX

E Klinker

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Linear eddy modelling of boundary layer clouds (abstract only)

S Krueger

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Cloudiness validation in the ECMWF model

N Kvamsto

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LES and entrainment parametrization

M McVean

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Stratus-topped boundary-layer parametrizations in large-scale models

C-H Moeng

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Experience and developments with the layer cloud and boundary layer mixing schemes in the UK Meteorological Office unified model

R N B Smith

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Boundary-layer cumulus over land: some observations and conceptual models

R Stull

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The ECMWF prognostic cloud scheme (summary only)

M Tiedtke

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