Search ECMWF datasets

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Single prediction that uses observations prior information about the Earth-system ECMWF's highest-resolution model HRES Direct model output Products offers "High Frequency products"   4 forecast runs per day (00/06/12/18) (see dissemination schedule for … ...
ecCharts This licence provides access to ECMWF interactive ecCharts tool to visualise analysis and forecast products  Please note that access to the ecCharts is for End User use only  (internal) .   ECMWF ecCharts web service is available and we are pleased … ...
The European cut-out package is a pre-defined package of real-time products with fixed annual information cost. The package includes up to 15 parameters from the real-time catalogue for the area 25°N-84°N, 74°W-45°E. You will receive these parameters with the … ...
ECMWF is now running a series of data-driven forecasts as part of its experimental suite. These machine-learning based models are very fast, and they produce a 10-day forecast with 6-hourly time steps in approximately one minute. The outputs are available in … ...
ECMWF is now running its own Artificial Intelligence Forecasting System (AIFS) as part of its experiment suite. The AIFS consists of a deterministic model and an ensemble model. Further details about the deterministic model can be found at … ...
The SOFF (Systematic Observations Financing Facility) initiative from the WMO is aimed at supporting beneficiary countries to generate and exchange GBON (Global Basic Observing Network) data. These data are critical for improved weather forecasts and climate … ...
Single forecast runs by the ECMWF Artificial Intelligence Forecasting System (AIFS) deterministic model. 4 forecast runs per day (00/06/12/18) 6 hourly steps to 360 (15 days) While the data is freely available as open data, access can be purchased so that it … ...