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HRES-WAM (High RESolution WAve Model) is coupled to the atmospheric model (HRES) and it is a Direct model output Products offers "High Frequency products": 4 forecast runs per day (00/06/12/18) (see dissemination schedule for details) Hourly steps to step 90 … ...
Ensemble (ENS) of forecasts providing an estimate of the reliability of a single forecast. ENS offers  "High Frequency products"  until step 144: 4 daily runs: 00, 06, 12 and 18 UTC hourly until step 90 3-hourly from 93 to 144 Most Post-processed Products are … ...
Single prediction that uses observations prior information about the Earth-system ECMWF's highest-resolution model HRES Direct model output Products offers "High Frequency products"   4 forecast runs per day (00/06/12/18) (see dissemination schedule for … ...
ecCharts This licence provides access to ECMWF interactive ecCharts tool to visualise analysis and forecast products  Please note that access to the ecCharts is for End User use only  (internal) .   ECMWF ecCharts web service is available and we are pleased … ...
The European cut-out package is a pre-defined package of real-time products with fixed annual information cost. The package includes up to 15 parameters from the real-time catalogue for the area 25°N-84°N, 74°W-45°E. You will receive these parameters with the … ...
ORA-20C is a 10-member ensemble of ocean reanalyses covering the 20th century using atmospheric forcing from ERA-20C. Its main purpose is to provide initial conditions for the ocean component of the CERA-20C streams. … Ocean Reanalysis of the 20th Century … … ...
Enable a significant improvement in environmental prediction capabilities for the polar regions and beyond, by coordinating a period of intensive observing, modelling, verification, user-engagement. Theme: Polar predictions Parameter family: Atmospheric … ...
15-member coupled IFS (cycle 43R1) extended-range reforecast experiment covering the period 1989-2015 with bias-corrected sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) in the North Atlantic region. This experiment can be compared with gkzp, which is the relevant control … ...
15-member coupled IFS (cycle 43R1) extended-range reforecast experiment covering the period 1989-2015. The atmosphere is configured with 91 vertical levels and uses the Tco399 cubic octahedral reduced Gaussian grid. The IFS is coupled hourly to the 75 level … ...
Each country's experiments can be accessed via the links below: Austria Belgium Denmark France Germany Ireland Italy Netherlands Norway Portugal Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United kingdom … Member States IFS Experiments … ECMWF Member States … ECMWF … … ...