Rossana Dragani

Senior Scientist
Research, Earth System Predictability, Atmospheric Composition


Rossana is a senior scientist in the Earth System Predictability section (Research Department) where she leads the Atmospheric Composition team. She joined ECMWF after completing her PhD in April 2006. During her time at ECMWF, she has worked on many aspects related to the ozone analysis, spanning data monitoring and assimilation, and model verification, as well as reanalysis. Rossana is  Principal Investigator of international projects, within which she coordinates the ECMWF contributions, and ECMWF point of contact for the SPARC - Reanalysis Inter-comparison Project (S-RIP). Thanks to more than a decade of collaborative research in the field of Earth Observations, she has established very good collaborations with major Space Agencies, in particular with ESA and EUMETSAT.

Professional interests:
  • Ozone variability and evolution
  • Data assimilation of atmospheric composition observations
  • Impact of atmospheric composition in NWP
  • Atmospheric composition and climate interaction
  • Reanalysis


Career background:
  • 1999 Degree in Physics, University of L'Aquila, Italy: "Study of stratospheric tracers using lagrangian techniques", supervisor Prof G. Visconti.
  • 1999, Active participant to Airborne Polar Experiment - Geophysica Aircraft In Antarctica (APE-GAIA) campaign
  • 1999-2000, Researcher at Department of Physics, University of L’Aquila, Italy.  
  • 2000-2002, Researcher at Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), L’Aquila, Italy.
  • 2002-2006, PhD, Department of Meteorology, University of Reading, Reading, UK: "On the assimilation of the full information content of satellite observations", supervisor Prof A. O'Neill
  • 2006 – 2012, Scientist in the Satellite Section, ECMWF, Reading UK.
  • 2012 - 2014,  Scientist in the Reanalysis Section, ECMWF, Reading UK.
  • 2015, Senior Scientist in the Reanalysis Section, ECMWF, Reading UK.
  • 2016 - present, Senior Scientist in the Earth System Predictability Section, ECMWF, Reading UK.
  • 2017- present, Team Leader of the Atmospheric Composition team in the ECMWF Research Department.


External recognitions
  • Member of the GOME-2 Science Advisory Group (2007-present)
  • Reviewer of the O3M SAF Operation (2008-2014)
  • Chairperson of the O3M SAF Operation Review Board (2013 - 2014)
  • Member of the AGU
  • Fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society
  • Reviewer for several journals, including QJRMS, JGR, ACP, AMT, JQSRT, RS
  • Ceccherini, S., Carli, B., Tirelli, C., Zoppetti, N., Del Bianco, S., Cortesi, U., Kujanpää, J., and Dragani, R. , 2018: Importance of interpolation and coincidence errors in data fusion, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 11, 1009-1017,
  • Davis, S., M. Hegglin, M. Fujiwara, R. Dragani, Y. Harada, C. Kobayashi, C. Long, G. Manney, E. Nash, G. Potter, S. Tegtmeier, T. Wang, K. Wargan, and J. Wright (2017), Assessment of upper tropospheric and stratospheric water vapour and ozone in reanalyses as part of S-RIP, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 12743–12778,
  • Fujiwara, M., Wright, J. S., Manney, G. L., Gray, L. J., Anstey, J., Birner, T., Davis, S., Gerber, E. P., Harvey, V. L., Hegglin, M. I., Homeyer, C. R., Knox, J. A., Krüger, K., Lambert, A., Long, C. S., Martineau, P., Monge-Sanz, B. M., Santee, M. L., Tegtmeier, S., Chabrillat, S., Tan, D. G. H., Jackson, D. R., Polavarapu, S., Compo, G. P., Dragani, R., Ebisuzaki, W., Harada, Y., Kobayashi, C., McCarty, W., Onogi, K., Pawson, S., Simmons, A., Wargan, K., Whitaker, J. S., and Zou, C.-Z. (2016): Introduction to the SPARC Reanalysis Intercomparison Project (S-RIP) and overview of the reanalysis systems, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., doi:10.5194/acp-2016-652.
  • Dragani, R. (2016), A comparative analysis of UV nadir-backscatter and infrared limb-emission ozone data assimilation, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 8539-8557, doi:10.5194/acp-16-8539-2016.
  • Bormann, N., M. Bonavita, R. Dragani, R. Eresmaa, M. Matricardi, and A. McNally (2016). Enhancing the impact of IASI observations through an updated observation error covariance matrix, Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., doi: 10.1002/qj.2774.
  • Dragani, R., S. Abdalla, R. J. Engelen, A. Inness, and J.-N. Thépaut (2015). Ten years of ENVISAT observations at ECMWF: a review of activities and lessons learnt, Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 141: 598–610. doi: 10.1002/qj.2380.
  • Dragani, R. and McNally, A. P. (2013). Operational assimilation of ozone-sensitive infrared radiances at ECMWF. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 139, 2068–2080, doi: 10.1002/qj.2106.
  • Dragani, R. (2011). On the quality of the ERA-Interim ozone reanalyses: comparisons with satellite data. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 137, doi: 10.1002/qj.821.
  • Dee, D. P., Uppala, S. M., Simmons, A. J., Berrisford, P., Poli, P., Kobayashi, S., Andrae, U., Balmaseda, M. A., Balsamo, G., Bauer, P., Bechtold, P., Beljaars, A. C. M., van de Berg, L., Bidlot, J., Bormann, N., Delsol, C., Dragani, R., Fuentes, M., Geer, A. J., Haimberger, L., Healy, S. B., Hersbach, H., Hólm, E. V., Isaksen, L., Kållberg, P., Köhler, M., Matricardi, M., McNally, A. P., Monge-Sanz, B. M., Morcrette, J.-J., Park, B.-K., Peubey, C., de Rosnay, P., Tavolato, C., Thépaut, J.-N. and Vitart, F. (2011), The ERA-Interim reanalysis: configuration and performance of the data assimilation system. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc, 137: 553–597. doi: 10.1002/qj.828.
  • Migliorini, S., R. Dragani, A. Kaiser-Weiss, R. Brugge, J.-N. Thepaut, A. O'Neill, (2009), The GlobMODEL Demonstrator: Assimilation of New Satellite Products in an Operational Meteorological Center, Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, IEEE Journal of, 2, Is. 3, 213-224.
  • Roscoe  H. K., S. R. Colwell, J. D. Shanklin, J. A. Karhu, P. Taalas, M. Gil, M. Yela, S. Rodriguez, C. Rafanelli, H. Cazeneuve, C.A. Villanueva, M. Ginsburg, S. B. Diaz, R. L. de Zafra, G. Muscari, G. Redaelli, R. Dragani (2005), Measurements from ground and balloons during APE-GAIA - A polar ozone library,  Advances in Space Research, 36, 835-845.
  • Cairo F., A. Adriani, M. Viterbini, G. Di Donfrancesco, V. Mitev, R. Matthey, M. Bastiano, G. Redaelli, R. Dragani, R. Ferretti, V. Rizi, T. Paolucci, L. Bernardini, G. Fiocco, M. Cacciani, and G. Pace (2004), Polar Stratospheric Clouds observed during the Airborne Polar Experiment - Geophysica Aircraft in Anctartica (APE-GAIA) campaign, J. Geophys. Res., 109.
  • Dragani, R., G. Redaelli,G. Visconti, A. Mariotti, V. Rudakov, A. R. MacKenzie and L. Stefanutti (2002), High resolution stratospheric tracer fields reconstructed with lagrangian techniques: a comparative analysis of predictive skill during the Airborne Polar Experiment, J. Atmos. Sci., 59, 1943-1958.

Other selected publications

  • McCormack, J. and M. Fujiwara and Q. Errera and L. Gray and G. Manney and B. Monge-Sanz and R. Dragani (2018), The 2017 S-RIP workshop and the 13th SPARC data assimilation workshop, SPARC Newsletter No. 50, February 2018, 26-29, available at
  • Dragani, R. (2013), Validation of the reprocessed MIPAS and SCIAMACHY retrievals using ERA-Interim, and one-year assimilation of MIPAS ozone profiles at ECMWF. Final Report for ESA contract 21519/08/I-OL: Technical support for global validation of ENVISAT data products.
  • Dragani, R. and A.P. McNally, Blending information from infrared radiances with ultraviolet data in the operational ozone analysis, ECMWF Newsletter, 2012, 132, 26-33.
  • Dragani, R. and N. Bormann, Assimilation of Mipas Limb Radiances in the ECMWF System, Proceedings of the 2010 ESA Living Planet Symposium Bergen, Norway, 2010.
  • Dragani, R., On the quality of the ERA-Interim ozone reanalyses. Part I Comparisons with in situ measurements, ERA Report Series 2, 2010.
  • Dragani, R., On the quality of the ERA-Interim ozone reanalyses. Part II Comparisons with satellite data, ERA Report Series 3, 2010.            
  • Dragani, R. (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012), Monitoring and assimilation of SCIAMACHY, GOMOS and MIPAS retrievals at ECMWF. Annual Report for ESA contract 21519/08/I-OL: Technical support for global validation of ENVISAT data products.
  • Dragani, R. (2007, 2008), Monitoring and assimilation of SCIAMACHY, GOMOS and MIPAS retrievals at ECMWF. Annual Report for ESA contract 17585/CCN-1: Technical support for global validation of ENVISAT data products.
  • Dragani, R. and D. Dee, Progress in ozone monitoring and assimilation, ECMWF Newsletter, 2008, 116, 35-42.