Peter Weston

Research, Earth System Assimilation, Coupled Assimilation


Peter Weston is working on the assimilation of microwave sounder radiances. His current research topics include assimilating microwave temperature sounding channels in the presence of cloud and precipitation (all sky assimilation) and accounting for correlated observation errors.

Professional interests:
  • Microwave radiance assimilation
  • Use of satellite radiances in cloud and precipitation
  • Diagnosis and specification of observation error statistics
  • Monitoring the data quality of active microwave instruments
Career background:

2016-present: EUMETSAT research fellow at ECMWF working on the assimilation of microwave sounder radiances

2010-2016: Scientist at UK Met Office working on the assimilation of infrared sounder radiances

2005-2009: Studied for an MMath at the University of Oxford